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Realistically_Wrong's experience ( All 0 )

Realistically_Wrong's answer ( All 26 )

about question
10 03,2021
Love Is A Gamble, Especially When It Comes To Fictional Characters.   reply
10 03,2021
If Your Actually Serious About Your Last Post And Just Role Playing With Some You Interacted With Stop, Make A Different Account And Don't Mention Anything About This Account. Not Trying To Be Mean, Rude, Disrespectful Or Anything But They Are Creepy People On The Internet. This Website Is No Exception.   reply
10 03,2021
I Know It's Not My Place To Judge, But I Don't Think It's Good For To Role play Lewd Stuff Especially Considering Your Age. I Also Don't Think It's Right For You To Be Interested Into The Bdsm Community At Your Age. I'm Not Trying To Be Rude Or Mean.   2 reply
10 03,2021
Gendered pronouns specifically reference someone's gender: he/him/his or she/her/hers. Non-gendered or nonbinary pronouns are not gender specific and are most often used by people who identify outside of a gender binary.(Got This By Google)   reply
10 03,2021

Realistically_Wrong's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

gay dude becomes a vampire and preys on the downfall of a bloodline because he couldn't stand being poor

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Unfollow to kill influencer, otherwise follow to risk death.

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

man download app, have to film movies to reach his wish. in love with his split personality. gay.

-Supernatural Movie Actor App (novel btw)

3 hours