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Sleepy...'s experience ( All 3 )

about question
HELP- I JUST FINISHED TWO CLASSES LIKE TWO WHOLE MONTHS EARLY. LIKE THE WHOLE ASS THING. EHEHEHEEE!!!!! (Lets just ignore the other 12 projects I have due and the other subjects I'm several months behind in.) My grades make me cry to look at in the best way possible. Literally how did I do this. Like please make it make sense I'm literally f......   reply
24 12,2023
I just want it to snow really badly. :CC If I can't do snow angels in the middle of the road alone at night while it snows again I'll cry.  It's so indescribably serene and amazing I can't even describe it well. Like the little snowflakes falling slowly on a long road that's been painted white with snow, trees covered in snow, pretty houses, and ......   1 reply
19 12,2023
OMLLL NAWW bc the amount of them there are is killing me. Like honestly I don't mind ABO but ONG WHAT IS WITH THE RAPE ALL THE TIME!?!!??!?? Like yo get a handfull that are rly cute(DEFINE THE RELATIONSHIP AND LOVE SHUTTLE I'M LOOKING AT YOU) and then you get fucking kiss me liar or some shit. It's almost not worth it to read manga at all at this......   4 reply
17 08,2023

Sleepy...'s answer ( All 90 )

about question
When people repeatedly brush off any struggles I have with my medical/mental problems and act like they're a know it all Abt something they've literally only heard abt through me and don't struggle with it themselves. (It usually takes at least 4 instances of disrespect or crossing my physical boundaries to finally push someone away. I make my disc......   1 reply
5 days
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Me doing what I love(cooking) Oml this time of year is dreadful to be a chef and my manager is an asshole what won't let me turn on the damn AC knowing full well I get heat strokes really really easily in any weather that isn't like 75 with a breeze. LIKE ,FER IM NEXT TO A BIG ASS OPEN FLAME BOX FROM 6AM TO 12AM. Sorry as I was saying, When I qui......   1 reply
14 days
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My pride month started off by me forgetting that it was pride month and that I'm gay asf. Literally me when I woke up today:HUH (I'll honestly date any woman on this earth as long as they're a good person whoever I get with regardless of their gender or their sex [very very very preferably a woman though] I just wish to be happy, that's literally ......   reply
27 days
about question
I personally like beta x beta, alpha x alpha, alpha x Omega(The very few non toxic ones) and beta x Omega in that order. I'm still not always the biggest fan of omegaverse tho bc it's usually rape-y toxic and/or overwhelming cliche and sometimes that shit is genuinely triggering for me It can be absolute gold when done right tho bc it definitely ......   reply
14 05,2024
about question
13 05,2024
The way I let out an audible are we fr still not past acting like this.. You're so funny and quirky   reply
13 05,2024

Sleepy...'s question ( All 2 )

about question
Istg basically all of y'all have 10x more interesting music tastes I was cringing at my own music taste so hard.. Like literally how was whopper whopper in the top 10 most listened to songs from last year for me....

I'm deeply ashamed. (emphasis on the DEEPLY part.)
Anyways enjoy ig<3
04 03,2024
about question
Just wanted to say some of yall are so sweet and funny frfr so post some of your favorite stories/images. Idfk I just want to be able to give out stories frfr.

04 01,2024

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

gay dude becomes a vampire and preys on the downfall of a bloodline because he couldn't stand being poor

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Unfollow to kill influencer, otherwise follow to risk death.

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

man download app, have to film movies to reach his wish. in love with his split personality. gay.

-Supernatural Movie Actor App (novel btw)

2 hours