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Gazella's experience ( All 1 )

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it's time for this trend to pass already. everything worth doing with it has already been done. what we got now is I got reincarnated as the hero's mother left buttcheeck ENOUGH ALREADY.   2 reply
29 04,2024

Gazella's answer ( All 33 )

about question
for me I don't like them because no matter how "sweet" and "nice" they could be. they could be very dangerous and I'd never understand how can peopl trust them not to turn on them. they own a killing machine and let it freely roam their homes and get upset when you don't want your hands near the knives it has in it's mouth? . I've seen way too many......   reply
3 days
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ppl think that just the US is fucked. as someone from a third world country so bad it might as well be an armpit. the entire WORLD is fucked weather u see it or not.   reply
3 days
for the life of me i cannot remmember, i was too young and now i'm too old lol   1 reply
20 days
12 y/o me was tired of the typical shojo being a guy more beautiful than the girl. so I started being obsessed with genderbending stories for some reason and from there I kept on accidentally reading BL. my baby brain was like "omg look they're equally beautiful and the stories are more interesting!" and the rest is history.   reply
21 days
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no one on this site is getting any bitches bro. *cough* creep* cough*   reply
23 05,2024

Gazella's question ( All 3 )

about question
is anyone else tired of smut and pwp in manga/hwa?

for context. I was on it for a long time. without including fanfics on ao3. I consumed alot of filthy shit. I've always (and still am) open about it and accepting of this aspect of myself. I hate puritans and ppl who are judgemental. and love communities that are accepting and open to basically smut.

now fast forward to a few days ago. I started feeling icky about reading smut. I usually have these periods of time but they pass after reading smt plot heavy.

but now I don't even want to touch anything like that. I genuinely feel dreadful at the idea of reading any of it?
so I thought I might as well go all the way and stop it all together. an experiment of sorts. to see how would this affect me and my life.
is there other people like me? I want an outsider perspective I guess?
12 days
about question
01 05,2024
so for a while now I have logged off all social media. but lately I've been feeling some fomo creeping in and making me feel like logging in again. so someone fill me in on what's happening on those curced platforms plz
01 05,2024
about question
so I have a close friend and I previously thought he was gay. he always tells me about his dates with guys and his relationships.

long story short, after acting strange around me for six months he told me he has feelings for me?
I've never been more confused in my life. I don't want to hurt his feelings so I told him to give me time to think. but i don't think i can date him since he clearly has a preference. is this homophobic of me?

I'm already mourning my friendship with him.
24 04,2024

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

1 days
did made a discord server


1 days
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

1 days