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Erina Arthur created a topic of Star Struck

their relationship development gave me constipation

Erina Arthur created a topic of Mokdan's Fragrance

I want whatever crack the author was smoking while writing this

Erina Arthur created a topic of Corrosive

prayers circle for author to realize rape ain't sexy nor the least interesting and it's not needed to be forced on every single work of theirs,

Erina Arthur created a topic of Eternal Covenant

we should've gotten this one with next week's chapter seriously it's unfair to be left out at the cliffhanger of sol's obsessive jealousy/worry without the consequences uhhh on another note, this is the first time that I like an interaction between Brian and Lorkan
Lorkan could've had a future aside from going crazy if Brian fell in love with him first and not sol, I guess

Erina Arthur created a topic of Sparkling Baby

I used to ship him hard with jaeha in lover boy, still like them better than the main couple there
but Jin is something and honestly more interesting, we winning

Erina Arthur created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I don't want the flashback to end anytime soon, I was legit casual reading this one until we got the past and it got so damn interesting that now it's one of my absolute most favourite manhwas
I love sol and Brian's relationship a lot, the so much conflict and development they went through together before being so warmly in love. so beautiful, and not even mentioning Brian being a very strong-willed person with so much personality flowing; which is objectively sth rare in blmanhwas
either way I know Ian will sooner or later reunite with his other side again, the two already have so much overlapping qualities if we put the different circumstances aside
two faces of same coin
and the author is pretty clear on which path she taking
still, I hope we get as much Sol/Brian as we could while in the flashback era

Erina Arthur created a topic of I'll Be Here for You

going this far and almost permanently deforming your arm for your work, that's genuine passion and love
and despite all the second hand embarrassment this couple gave me through the ride, I'm glad they still end up happy and together.

Erina Arthur created a topic of Lily of the Valley

hasn't it been like three days of them in the duchess mansion???? what the hell when is all the letters and depts done and everything

Erina Arthur created a topic of The Foul

what happened to the kang something guy why his chest got blown like a wardrobe out of nowhere and now his small head on top look ridiculous

Erina Arthur created a topic of Macguffin

someone please tell author that placenta is already disposable and is created over and over whenever a fetus is conceived.
and what she prob means is the uterus or ovaries or sth, I mean that's straight-up basic AFAB anatomy

Erina Arthur created a topic of Eternal Covenant

then I see his relationship with sol and my cardiac system is so melting and full of diabetes god bless them
god bless

Erina Arthur created a topic of Mary Jane

animals mating

I hope they'll kiss and have craziest gay sex in this present timeline just so you could moan harder, bitches

Erina Arthur created a topic of Eternal Covenant

stop with the bitching and moaning, whining kids. what happened to 'Don't like, Don't read' good ol' days

bro why are you seriously beefing with a 11year old this is gen so hilarious lmao

Erina Arthur created a topic of Wolf In The House

physiques of both men so right, moves so realistic and overly sensual which make it the hottest
oh lord
no one, absolutely no one else could write/draw a perfect sex scene like Park ji-yeon

this rushing at the end is so sooooooo Ass

Erina Arthur created a topic of Wolf In The House

whole ass chapter without any Ein/Leto!!! I'm mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad!!!!!!!!!

Erina Arthur created a topic of Reunion

god blast the freaking hulk×dwarf combo that Koreans are strangely so obsessed with, I'm so done it's literally everywhere everywhere yikes

Erina Arthur created a topic of Beasts of Desire

it's getting so repetitive and boring with mc getting humiliated after his silly little act of confidence every single damn time wtf