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4treevMn's experience ( All 0 )

4treevMn's answer ( All 2 )

That's not creepy. He's a fucking pedo and criminal that should be put inside prison and be locked up for his life wtf. You are even giving him the benefit of the doubt that's something you should work on yourself too you did nothing wrong at all.   reply
18 days
about question
4treevMn 27 days
Thank you!   reply
27 days

4treevMn's question ( All 1 )

about question
4treevMn 27 days
what was that manhwa again where the girl was branded as a witch and she killed her husband and so she is shipped into a prison right (most of the story happened inside a ship ) and the prison guard /head or whatever that handles her transfer is some sort of war hero and he is strict and doing his job but at sime point the fl finds a child saves her life and the child is so friendly to her and so is the child's grandpa but the guy is still suspicious about her
27 days

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