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Farscapewho747 created a topic of Special Guidance

It used to be Ordinary Daily Life of an Omegaverse Guide, but it's not ov at all. But either way I absolutely love this story, I like fantasy type bl alot. It's got action, adventure, romance of course, a super hot seme who I liked as a blond but still hot black haired, so I recommend it.

I think there is an unwritten bl rule that if the couple is away from each other for work or anything else, there absolutely must be phone sex, not that I’m complaining. lol but really it’s in every story I’ve read.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Love Gym

Yeah that asshole Taeheeof course shows up and actually thinks that since Gyuwon lost the weight he has earned the oh so privelage of getting fucked by him. He even says “I came here to fuck your ass” arrogant pos. Because their parents know each other he weasels his way into staying at Gyuwon’s place and refuses to leave and Gyuwon telling him to stop being inappropriate, so Gyuwon packs up some things and hightails it out of there to go stay with Geon. As for Geon yeah he gets jealous, who wouldn’t, but it also really makes him realize his feelings and he does trust Gyuwon,but he also decides to fight for his man. So this isn’t a triangle because Gyuwon really only likes Geon now.

Obviously Dante is about to have a knife fight and he wins, , and after a bomb goes off he ends up getting a head injury and you guessed it.. has total amnesia of Rafael
just kidding
Sorry I couldn’t resist. lol
No he just gets a shoulder injury and separated from the other soldiers, he ends up finding two young kids down in a tunnel and takes them with him to find a way out. But despite being in the hospital after, the officially starting dating Raffi does happen.

For just a little while I felt bad for him when we saw how many drunken confessions he did, but that moment passed and he doesn’t deserve shit. All he does is show up where he isn’t wanted and interferes and fucks everything up every time and than laughs. He lied to Dahyeok and said he was Tasman’s bf, and even when Taeman asked him for help, he got pleasure in seeing Dahyeok worried for Taeman and some more laughing.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Instant Family

I was hoping Sejoon would want to be involved in getting that bastard. Though I will say that was pretty easy but whatever I hope Sejoon will be happy with his man and probably a child, I don’t know for sure

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Perfect Buddy

It’s actually at the end of chapter 98. At first Seo considers just going off to fashion week to avoid thinking about confessing. After a night of having sex Seo skips out in the morning, leading Baek to think this as rejection which of course makes him sad but he doesn’t say anything. Baek stops at Seo’s to say he is going on a far business trip and says goodbye, but Seo thinks he is going to accept a two to three years abroad assignment, shortly after Seo finally decides to get up and run after Baek.

There is like 25 chapters of the raws already, and the season is really good. As we saw a bit of Dante is finally much more open and honest about his feelings. We get to see Dante be a badass action hero on a mission was a part where I thought it was going to be a cliche memory loss but thankfully it doesn’t happen and instead there is a joke about it. Raphael continue to be the sweet puppy that he is and he and Dante become official soon.

It’s one of my go to bl stories if I’m having a bad day, or read a different story that is toxic and messed up. Lou is so adorable, I kind of love a seme who is the sweetest and kindest green flag,but could also destroy a city if you pissed him off enough, funnily enough it’s always dragons that those kinds of characters are.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Instant Family

Early in the story he beat the shit out of several guys who were being assholes to Sejoon when they were at a restaurant, but is letting the dude who tried to kill him live. I’m so looking forward to seeing the father go down and I want Sejoonto be a part of it. Not put in danger but there when that bastard either gets arrested or better killed. Yes like I said we are near the end so I think it will be a bit rushed.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of My Damned XXX

I’ll be honest I absolutely despised Seonwoo in the first season, even though we know the full story now it’s true he did a lot of shitty things. But I am a firm believer in second chances, Seonwoo was so lucky to have found such a kind and PATIENT guy in Taeseo. Now I do hope that Seonwoo can heal and finally fully trust and love Tae.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

That was hot af, I think the hottest smut scene in this, I think. It feels like some of the old art style came back but not completely. It’s the faces especially Jeoh’s that sometimes has the new art and some old. Any way I get to see Seongrok is fine with me, man that guy is one of the sexiest semes ever.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Instant Family

That’s only nine chapters which doesn’t feel like enough so I’m guessing it’s gonna be a rushed ending unfortunately

Of course just as things are going well, cue some asshole ex coming back to wreck things, and maybe someone else interested in the seme causing misunderstandings. But come on they aren’t even official yet!

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Made it look like Chunwoo was topping Hoin, I started to freak out for a second there, but it was just an angle. Lol and damn this smut scene was pretty hot, but I do hope that all the leftover angst and drama is finally finished, and Hoin became his the day they met.

I thought Shion might not say what the attempted rapist said to him and than agonize over it, but Rui knows him/her so well he could tell something was bothering them. But seriously like others said I can’t believe this is still going after 5 years, like it does at least feel like it could wrap up soon. They both confessed and ate official, the rapist was stopped and is getting a taste of his own medicine, and the doctor is working on a cure. So I do hope we find out the reason why someone gave the drug to Shion, I mean we know both he and Rui were pretty much womanizers and this could be a punishment Shion got, but he has had Rui, the hot guy who loves him by his side the whole time at least.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Perfect Buddy

It doesn’t get pushed back to the whole season it happens in 6 more chapters finally, and it’s well worth the wait.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Perfect Buddy

But come on we are getting near 100 chapters and still not official? I mean they have practically been dating abwhile now, I just wish Seo would realize if Baek didn’t leave when he was mean to him early on, he won’t leave now. I just hope we get to see them being official now that the psycho has been locked up.

Farscapewho747 created a topic of Lucky Paradise

But there is one thing that hasn’t changed, the smut is hot af!