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Whaddapak happened to Yoel's artsyle???? Why does he look more soft, less obnoxious looking and less cringey????? WHY DOES HE LOOK PRETTIER????

If someone gave that to me as a baby it's be labeled as a choking hazard

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Jeon-Cookies created a topic of Marry Me, Alpha

Uke having a crush on a man who's about to get married is okay. Anyways, it's not like he was making moves on him or anything. However, it's the seme that infuriated me. He was posing as a man about to get married while making moves at Uke. If I were in the position of Uke, I would be uncomfortable as fuck.

Jeon-Cookies created a topic of The Abandoned Empress

I was looking forward to a part where the blue haired guy suddenly recalls his past and all his past sins unto her but it never happened. Shame

Jeon-Cookies created a topic of Fight Club

I like the fact that they made the ABO universe look so natural.

The fact that it's an ABO and a supernatural concept is very unique haha


There may be murder, but at least there's no rape-

Jeon-Cookies created a topic of Binding The Dragon

I understood the first few parts and a bit of the second few parts. The last bits however, no.

Jeon-Cookies created a topic of Golden Opportunity
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Welcome to my shabby basement, dear captive!


While being confined here, feel free to explore my BL bookshelves n find things to read. I will bring dinner to you 3 times a day. If you need anything, ring the bell. Make yourself at home! (灬ơ₃ơ)ノ

(Just added some mangas w confinement elements)

 manipulating, calculating
 abuse, assault (physical, emotional etc.)
 stockholm syndrome
 vomit, blood, drugs
 killing, suicide
 other stuff

08 05,2024

I get that there's sex in every chapter but... Nobody can add sex to plot better than Titan's Bride-

Jeon-Cookies followed a list
27 03,2024