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Lol created a topic of Roach

Wish it got a little bit more of a conclusion

I need more of the second couple

Lol created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Can someone spoil it for me....? What's next?

Lol created a topic of Cry Me a River

Hope this dude doesn't sex slave him or something

Lol created a topic of Yoake no Joshou

What did he say at the wedding exactly did he wreck it?

Lol created a topic of Macguffin

I can not imagine this going anywhere but downhell loool
Not that it's not but yeah it's getting shittier and shittier someone save him plz

Lol created a topic of One Summer Day

Agggh this damn reaper... I need a fucking bjg ass fight with him after this

Lol created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Get madder wtf AGGGGGH

Lol created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Either someone else is gonna show up or he's gonna show up saying shit no one wants to hear

Lol created a topic of My Suha

Never thought being pushed to a plain wall from such close distance could make bleed... Too dramatic but damn