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Erishii created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Holy fuck finally it is updated and if felt like a lot of shit happened in the first episode of s2 i know this shit is crazy but I can’t stop reading fuuuckkk it

Erishii created a topic of Instant Family

Heck yeah I hope that bastard is slowly brutalized and tortured as he deserves

Erishii created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

I love that the art has improved, the characters were prettier in the latest chapters.

But I think Hwan fell in love in the chasing part only but during the first part he was just an asshole and never really had shown affection so I feel like he fell in love out of nowhere and had 360 degree change which I really don’t mind cause he became considerate. The only connection I really felt they had in the first chapters was the uke mentioned Hwan was lonely and he got offended but they never really dived into it.

Still I enjoyed it for the chasing art cause the uke was funny with those bomb smoke and beads.

The best part is the grandma, she was cool and they didn’t show much but I really felt like she just wanted her grandson to have his own family.

Erishii created a topic of Instant Family

Daaaaamn that determination! No merrrrcccyyyy fuck yeah!!!!

Aaaaahhh I just swoon for those dialogues so well written! Both characters are interesting and the character development!

And they so cuuuuteee please don’t let it be destroyed by any misunderstanding

Erishii created a topic of Access All Areas

Wtf it says complete but the last page says to be continued and holy fuck I didn’t understand anything not the genre, not the characters and their motivation or past.

If those dream concept has metaphorical sence please tell me. This shit is mind boggling idk

Aaaahhh they finally got together and I don’t want to make the thing about Dohu approaching him for the novel at first a big deal but it seems it will be one of the many major misunderstandings they will have in the future.

But does it even matter what or how they approached each other when they are now so fucking in love.

Ugh Nanao just did the worst thing he could possibly do even though I know he didn’t have sex with Akira. Just because he has a grudge on Kazuma on a decision he made on his own he put Akira in a difficult position.

But I’m very proud of how Akira stood up for his love of Kazuma. He has a great character development though him looking out for Kazuma still prevents him to properly communicate.

Honestly, the characters are fucking lucky that Akira is part of their life lalo ka na Kazuma lol.

Erishii created a topic of A Terrible Romance

So you are telling me this whole arc is about Minho being an asshole from the fucking start lol

Erishii created a topic of I Swear I'm Not a Scammer!

This falls in supernatural right????????????

Ahhhh they are pure bliss

(As long as the seme won’t be jelly and misunderstand things ahaha)

Erishii created a topic of PASSION

Damn author went all out on those chapters.

Erishii created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

Lolololol we got double dick action I didn’t expect we will get it soon ahahahaha

Erishii created a topic of A Terrible Romance

Truly terrible, but it rings so true in real life… so many victims of Abusive relationships are people that has trauma and are deeply lonely.

I feel so bad for Woojin…i wish he get real help.

Erishii created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

I have no feeling or attachement for this I just want a good hardcore good art threesome mwahahahaha

Tangina mas malaki pa kysa dun sa bote ng tubig 1.5 bote ng coke yta to ahaha

Erishii created a topic of Chiguhagu na Kiss

The art and everything about the couple and the story is fluffy please continue to heal me

Dammit Japanese manga either updating monthly or quarterly is hell.

For me, Nanao shouldn’t blame Kazuma he made a choice, he misunderstood the situation and didn’t trust himself that Noah can love him. What happened was sad but I don’t think it was Kazuma’s fault and I find it unfair he sent old photos like that to lure and make the MC anxious, that was a low blow.

Crying and dying ahahaha

I love how determined Juheon was to end the fucking misunderstanding on this chapter but he said “too” and was still assuming the situation ahahahaha but Dohu’s lack of emotional understanding is starting to irk me ahahahaha But I feel like once Juheon gave up on him, Dohu will realize how he is really attracted to him not just because of urges or his work.

He reminds me a bit of Sangwoo from semantic error and it was satisfying to see him really fall for Jaeyoung ahahahaha and still be the dominant one in their relationship. I’m expecting a similar kind of situation but Sangwoo was not annoying he was really hilarious when he was discovering new emotions lololol