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User72 June 22, 2024 12:02 pm

I feel so sorry for the main character like oh my gosh, she’s going through so fucking much she keeps getting assaulted by that one bitch and then everyone just keeps fucking bothering her and her lover is always scared that she will leave him like he doesn’t fully trust her like yeah he loves her, but he doesn’t fully trust her enough to like. Tell her everything that she needs to know and everything and his love is kind of twisted for her and it kind of toxic. I’m not gonna lie. It’s kind of mostly toxic. I hate that one character that’s fucking white hair bitch stop coming back and assaulting her or SA her whatever and I also I’m starting to dislike the guy with orange hair because despite knowing she has a lover and everything, he keeps trying to metal in between that and everything which I thought he was cute in the beginning because he was like innocent compared to all the demons but like now he’s kind of getting on my nerves and I really want the fucking White hair bitch to fucking stop like yeah you fine asf but nobody like that shit u doing, like why the fuck you touching her when she don’t want you touching her like ik also she had to do to save her lover. I feel so fucking bad for her after everything she’s going through and that she’s suffering so much she like suffering so much and I know that is gonna be even more pain when she like finds out that her everyone’s gonna forget her and then I feel like his ex who made him lose a horn will probably come back and then the white hair is still not done so I know his ass is coming back to. I feel like somethings gonna happen with the orange hair guy too so she didn’t go through all the pain before this shit even completed and I don’t think I can read it because I just feel so bad for her and her lover but everyone just keeps fucking coming back and not letting them be lovers and peace lovers altogether and kids and that’s it. Everyone else is fucking leaves them alone.
You do not understand how much I hate that white hair bitch like I want to cut his dick off with me and make he suffer like he made the main character suffer because why are you doing all that? Why are you doing all that I know you don’t love her. I know you only like her energy from her body. I don’t know what the fuck it is, but he just using her Like you for the fuck alone and go find someone else ok
Also, I feel like the lover needs to communicate more because it used to be the female lead who needed to communicate more but now she’s communicating and always reassuring him and everything, but now he’s not communicating enough and isn’t being fully honest with her and everything you know and it’s like he just overthink and then she always reassure him Relationship keeps going on. Although I understand why he does it because of his like past trauma from his ex lover, I feel like for them to grow more as a couple he needs to be able to communicate more with her
Overall it’s okay I just hate the Sa and the white hair bitch ect
I’m probably not gonna continue to read cus I hate when there’s Sa and ik damn well there gonna be more hardships coming

User72 June 20, 2024 1:35 am

Look there’s a lot of problems in this with the bottom dating a married man ect and the married man only now just caring for the wife but let me leave the biggest hate comment on the top lol so excuse my spelling and grammar that your abt to read.

First off the top is so shitty like not even like with the relationship with the bottom he literally cheated and was a man whore in the first chapter was he caught cheating and fuck what anyone says a cheater is a cheater and not that they’re gonna cheat but they’re a shitty person for cheating overall. Next is he broke the bottom heart not once but twice yeah I get it when he was in high school. He was ashamed and I understand but if you’re still not sure about yourself or confident in ur sexuality. Then DONT get into a relationship with someone who isn’t ashamed to be who they are. I also wished the bottom didn’t forgive him. Like bro literally said “if only you was a women “or sum along those lines and then in high school was shit talking gay people and you STILL went back with him. Like idgaf what people say I hate him to the max. Not only did he say to his lover that he wished he was a women he also said his normal wasn’t his normal basically saying he wasn’t normal. LIKE BRO leave his ass he doesn’t deserve you after all that yeah he was your first love but fuck that MANNNN. He was love bombing tf out the bottom only to be ashamed of their relationship later. Like don’t say you wanna be with someone and that you wanna date if your ARENT sure you can make them happy and be happy abt who your are. Like yeah he kinda grew as a person but shit I still hate him and what he did. After all those years you see he hasn’t changed why go back to him?
He was just shitty overall he cheated on women and then wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be in a relationship with the bottom. And Ik people might say well he needed time to find himself or wtv okay great find yourself SINGLE. Don’t date someone when your not sure of yourself like fuck that isn’t hard to understand cus then your just gonna be hurting the person your dating. And he did hurt the bottom multiple times. Overall on my BL top scale he was a 2/10
He wasn’t the worse over all the BLS I’ve read

    ariesjosie June 20, 2024 11:23 am

    It felt wrong in many levels and many chaptes i continued cause the art but it seemed trash

    User72 June 22, 2024 12:06 pm
    It felt wrong in many levels and many chaptes i continued cause the art but it seemed trash ariesjosie

    EXACTLY everyone was trash but the married wife

User72's questions ( All 12 )

User72 June 12, 2024 4:48 am

This is just me hating on rape and everything okay and if you try to justify rape in BL too I hate you too so move on.
Anyway I hate when I see people justify or forgiving the rapist in BL. Like these idiots be saying “well he’s changed or he’s gotten better and isn’t such a red flag” bitch so? Does this change the fact he raped someon? NO!! No matter if he’s gotten better or not doesn’t change the fact he forced himself on SOMEONE alike fuck. I swear everyone try to justify BL rape cus of the characters look. I swear if the character was ugly EVERYONE would be hating on the rapist. But the moment they have good looks people just pass by it like he isn’t a RAPIST. Most people now just pass by the rape and still leave comments like “omg they so cute tg” or “I can’t wait when they get married “ bitch what? You see it’s cute that he raped someon? And that someone is going out with their rapist??
They always wanna excuse the rapist behavior or if they abusive too. LIKE BITCH STOP. They full on raping their partner (sometimes they not even partners) and y’all wanna excuse that behavior and in fact enjoy it?
I swear they the reason why there’s so many BL with sa or rape now. And I absolutely hate it. I hate rape in BL. It’s so unnecessary for the plot in the BL. Like if anything I drop the BL if there’s any. Idk why there’s sooooooo much rape now. Like that shit gross

    zentaizi June 12, 2024 5:06 am

    It is gross, it’s disgusting. Most people don’t give a crap because it’s fictional. People who justify it are weird. Most people know it’s wrong. It hasn’t really become more common, as a person who has read bl for 8 years, this is just how it’s always been. Keep doing what you’re doing and drop the ones you don’t like reading.

    banannogram June 12, 2024 5:31 am

    Thank you for stating this, couldn't agree more. The amount of BL now that involves this, is astronomical. It's as if it's become a "trend" to forget consent so long as there's hyper sexual activity involved and it "excites" the general readers? I don't get it, nor do I want it. I unfortunately avoid searching for any recent BL because so majority eventually trickle or evolve in some form, to this type of plot. I think it's sad in any format that even as fiction, it's socially accepted. In any case, thanks for allowing me to vent with you. Though I can't alter what others choose to make or create, and its become common, at least there are some golden storyline out there that are continually wholesome without the inclusion of such things

    User72 June 12, 2024 6:34 am
    Thank you for stating this, couldn't agree more. The amount of BL now that involves this, is astronomical. It's as if it's become a "trend" to forget consent so long as there's hyper sexual activity involved an... banannogram

    Exactly, I’ve had to drop so many Bl bc of this and it’s sad cus the plot be good and everything but then they just “have” to add in sa or rape. It’s so disappointing.

    banannogram June 12, 2024 7:21 am
    Exactly, I’ve had to drop so many Bl bc of this and it’s sad cus the plot be good and everything but then they just “have” to add in sa or rape. It’s so disappointing. User72

    It's so needless too!! Like how and why did we go here? Who told you this was a good route to follow? U-turn please and thank you. The amount of times I've had to backtrack and delete scenes from my mind via bleach... (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ and I still don't get why this must be in nearly every romance plot! rip any scripts that slightly even mention consent I guess...

User72 June 6, 2024 11:54 pm

Anyone remember this manhwa he like went back in after he died cus of his siblings and dad. When he went back in time someone try’s to kill him with snakes but he killed them when he was like a baby. He also had twin brothers who tried to bully him but they failed and are now scared of him?He also has other siblings but they have to like complete with each other and kill each other He has black hair and I think red eyes

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