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im gonna be straight with you's experience ( All 1 )

The title. So I keep the fact that I read and like Yuri a secret bc people around me will think I'm gæ (I'm a girl) which is bad bc everyone is religious and openly discriminates people they think are gæ lmao like I can't handle that sorry I usually sit in the backseat of the car but bc of reasons I had to sit in front while mom was at the back.......   2 reply
30 04,2024

im gonna be straight with you's answer ( All 47 )

about question
LOL I'm prob amoral for saying this but rape, cheating, murder, inappropriate relations etc are common themes in PSYCHOLOGICAL stories AND I like psychological stories LOL So the only thing I can't stand is honestly? 1) boring / non compelling characters - I should care for u and what u're trying to do. It doesn't have to be good but u need to......   reply
01 05,2024
Tbh I know why. Most girls are straight so they prefer to see hot men rather than hot or cute girls in media. It's fine. We all have our tastes. Like I would be annoyed if some hœ tells me I SHOULD like yaoi / BL. It's ok and I've read a few but it's not my usual go to genre. Some photo of cute girls imo   reply
01 05,2024
I HAVE A LOT but for good reason lmao!! 1) I like reading between different mangas sometimes xD 2) my internet isn't the fastest so while waiting for the next chapter to load I switch tabs hahaha EFFICIENCY!!!!   reply
01 05,2024
Me casually enticing u in historical manga as Ur close servant who has become a lil too comfortable in being a designated "bed warmer"   reply
30 04,2024
1) Going into an empty room and spending time alone during lunch break 2) reading my mangas / manhwas in peace without anyone disturbing or looking overy shoulder xD   reply
30 04,2024

im gonna be straight with you's question ( All 2 )

about question
Am I the only who sees a baby and their parents and think 1) Oh they had segggs 2) he came inside?

Like that's always the 1st thoughts that enter my mind x_x help

And then I picture them doing it NO NO BAD THOUGHTS GO AWAY!!!!! TwT

Like I feel uncomfortable around babies for that reason. Or when a newly wed couples baby is born, I count back 9 months and if the baby was conceived before the wedding date, I'd think either 1) oh they had segggs before marriage, probably got married asap to hide that fact 2) the wife probably did it with some other dude and the guy is just bad at math / ignorant >w<
16 03,2024
about question
Does Any of You enjoy being single? In my culture I think it's really weird to like being single esp. as a girl. I'm like 24 now and never dated anyone nor felt the need to.

Tbh it's effing annoying whenever someone just asks me if I have a bf as if they're entitled to that Q. Like betch, if you don't have anyone to refer to me then stop asking only to stare at me judgementally, ask me why, then ask my age. Like I know you're counting down to 30. Stop it TwT

You're really annoying and the only reason I haven't smacked you is cuz you're someone I have to see on an occasional basis and I don't wanna be known as that grumpy old hag who's miserable cuz she's single

Like I realized i enjoy my enjoy my freedom a lot. I don't like feeling beholden to anyone or having to tell someone where I go and such. Idkkk I heard it's... Fun? But I honestly don't get the appeal. Esp since guys are sometimes so effing disgusting. Like the stuff that goes out of their mouths. Like stahhhhpppp it. You're making me question if I'm disgusted at YOU or at MEN in general TwT. Everytime I hear another segggsual innuendo at the office I wonder if I might be gæ TwT stahp it. You're making me confused
16 03,2024

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