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PettyMint Essence's experience ( All 0 )

PettyMint Essence's answer ( All 12 )

AGE: 18 HAIR: Beige and in a braid BUILD: Twink SKIN: Mexican PERSONALITY: Extroverted SIN LEVEL: 4.5 HEIGHT: 6'1" PREFERRED CLOTHING STYLE: Crossdressing EXTRA: Emo look we need more clothing options because how tf am i supposed to make a emo crossdressing twink. PLUS, WE GOT NONE BEIGE!.   reply
4 days
about question
bro got me barking   2 reply
5 days
about question
close enough   reply
12 days
about question
actually, i want to know too, had any of y'all actually done that?   reply
21 days

PettyMint Essence's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

x2. Neither of them was actually attracted to me as it turned out, they both saw me as a friend and loved someone else while being with me.

3 hours
did nicknames

i always thought nicknames nd petnames were weird until I met my gf, she calls me love, baby, and sweetie all the time and I love it so much

3 hours
did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

4 hours