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ladyyaz did ( All 1 )

being single

ladyyaz's experience ( All 0 )

ladyyaz's answer ( All 26 )

about question
Unnecessarily rude and aggressive, people who litter and bad attention seekers Oh and elitists   reply
2 days
about question
I can literally hear this picture. It got me every single time lol   1 reply
7 days
I don’t know if it’s an effort to make it less gay but I hate when authors force a girl into the trio in shonens when they have no intention to properly flesh out her character and her relationship with the other two guys or any of the other characters. At best, she’s used as a romantic object for one or both of the dudes and that makes me an......   reply
11 days
about question
1) Society actually hates children. Throughout history, children have always been at the forefront of exploitation, both in the broader macro-economic context and in the confines of the home. Nowadays, they barely have any spaces for themselves or people are outright pissed with them for being children and just want to keep them out of sight, hence......   5 reply
13 days
When the top gets his nipples played with (pinched or licked) DELICIOUS!!!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Also toxic bottoms and I don't mean just them sleeping around, I like them insane   1 reply
15 days

ladyyaz's question ( All 0 )