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I am reformed answered question about question
These motherfuckers. Shame is free yet you still can't afford it???? They put the poor queen through so much hell just so they could suck eachother off and basically used her to create a baby. No on in that world respected her even a little bit. I have no clue how anyone on earth found this rat's ass looking mf pretty when he's literally built lik......
I am reformed like the answer
I HATE HATE HATE HATE momos mother from Yatamomo!!!! I ranted about it in the comments here: Every character validated her choice to abandon her son so that she can start a new family with a wealthy man guilt-free, when she was a bystander to her CHILD being g@ngr@ped by her own clients because she w......
I am reformed like the answer
I've been waiting for this question my whole life he looks like a fucking gorilla ong I wish there was an AU side story of him killing himself bro tries to act cold so bad like you're NOT him nga got played once and uses it as an excuse to be a fucking dick (the depression should've killed him) I wish the mc didn't save him when he slit his own t......
I am reformed answered question about question
Probably not niche but I've seen virtually no one that likes marble hornets
I am reformed answered question about question
1st, this situation and cp AREN'T comparable. I understand your point but that was the wrong example to use 2nd, it probably won't happen anytime soon. As advanced as Korea is, it's culturally isolated and uneducated which leads to a lot of bigotry. It's even more frustratimg bc cultural isolation doesn't seem to be a problem when it comes to 'sha......
I am reformed like the answer
Trying to think of the big 3 but now I forgot every yaoi I ever read lmao Update:I just remembered the yaoi kings Yoo Jonghyuk is the 1st (ORV) Cheng Xiaoshi the 2nd (Link Click) Ivan the 3rd (Alien Stage)
I am reformed answered question about question
People who are uneducated abt the world around them. Like obv I don't expect you to know everything bc that's impossible but would it kill you to be more aware??
I am reformed like the answer
OMG, OMG, OMG. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THESE GAMES BRO. They're horror games with good storyline and graphics, AND they're free. 1. Psicosis - you play as a little boy, trying to navigate in a world without his father and an absent mother. A world where he only has his imagination to turn to. 2. Death Palette - you play as a talented painter stuck in a ......
I am reformed answered question about going to concerts
Half of these aren't even mls tbh
I am reformed like the experience about drawing
Little mushrooms pt. 1 ---> Little Mushrooms pt. 2 ----> I made a little something today! I'm actually making a lore for this comic so I can publish (someday I hope) this work ^^
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I am reformed like the answer
I am reformed answered question about question
As someone who has grown up christian and barely identifies with the religion anymore, this is how I see it: Christianity relies heavily on 'the great commission' - "go out and preach the word to all people". It's already common knowledge that the Bible has a lot of mistranslations and many Christians will intentionally seperate themselves from wha......

Someone set this guys pp on fire pls

I am reformed answered question about question
When I was a lot younger, I was really scared of roaches (still am tbh I just haven't seen one in years). So one night (like an idiot) I saw a roach just minding it's own fkn business and decided to overcome my fear of roaches by killing it. Stupid idea. The mf roach turned around like some cringy cartoon villain and then flew at me and chased me. ......
I am reformed like the answer
Some more juicier ones because my other takes were kinda mild ngl 1- Religions are 100% the cause of evil all around the world and all over history from white european christians colonizing africa, asia, america, to muslim arabs thinking they did african and levant countries a favor for "enlightening" them with islam when they are no different from......
I am reformed answered question about question
A lot of the things and standards we view as femininity are just whiteness. As a result, white men (and male presenting ppl) are not held to the same standard of toxic masculinity as men of colour. And trans/cis women of colour are seen according to a lower standard of femininity. So the concept of gender non-comformity and gender alignment and the......
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People who say the holocaust and apartheid SA was bad only to then proceed to support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians are so fucking pathetic *cough *cough, USA and Zionists. Cuz if you support Zionism u might as well support colonialism, the holocaust, invasion of Ukraine etc
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