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Jae's experience ( All 0 )

Jae's answer ( All 262 )

It can go really well or extremely bad. It all depends how fast his brother and/or hyunjae get there. Then the judge won't be the reason I'm cooked.   reply
9 days
about question
I work at pharmacy which means sometimes I word on holidays. I have accepted this though it pisses me off sometimes. Once I couldn't attend a family Christmas party (on the 25th) because I was working. However that's not what actually pisses me off. What really bugs me is the customers that come in on days like that. They come in and say some like ......   1 reply
11 days
about question
Currently on break from uni. I'm working a part time job until I graduate and get a job in my field of study. I'm majoring in sonography. I'm aiming to work at a hospital once I graduate. Working for an office is fine too but I feel like I'll be better off at a hospital. Before that I gotta check where I want to do an internship. So far I'm liking......   reply
23 days
about question
21 yr old here. I started reading when I was like 11-12. It does get a bit boring at times, which is why I like to read almost any genre available. I don't just spend time reading like I used to. Sometimes I'll watch a series or anime, play games, draw, play with my pets, vc with friends, ect. The majority of stories are pretty bland. It's always ......   1 reply
23 days
about question
Sure, why not? If ya'll have flirted before i don't think it will have a bad outcome. Even if he reacts badly it can be played off as a joke. You don't have anything to lose. It sounds like he has a thing for you from what you said but don't take it too seriously idk ya'll story so (ps i don't think mangago is the best place for this question. ppl......   reply
14 05,2024

Jae's question ( All 2 )

about question
I don't wanna dig through all the pages of the mangago search list. Any genre is fine just want something good to read.

note: please recommend bls that are from the top's pov.

please and thank you everyone
17 09,2023
So I met a guy while playing. He seemed like a good person so after a month or two of talking we started dating. Of course he sent me pictures of himself, told me his name, where he lives, age and I even got to talk to his parents and friends.
He seems legit so I told my mom about him. She panicked when I told her and almost made brake up with him. Eventually mom and him talked on a video call and she calmed down a bit.
The problem is she's always suspicious of him and asks tricky questions. I don't want to to suspect he might be a bad person (not that I didn't considered it just don't want to be questioning every little thing he does) but my mom makes it really hard.
She even did a background research on him to make sure he was 100% legit.
My relationship with him is really good and I really like him but the anxiety of always questioning whether he is real or not hits hard. I never expressed this to him because I don't know how to. Plus his never or rarely given me a reason to doubt him/ given sketchy vibes.
I know our way of meeting wasn't the safest and I did take into consideration all that could happen. Just to clarify I'm not a minor just live with an overprotective family. And I have been dating him for a bit now.

Any advice? Opinions?
11 02,2020

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