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Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 4:42 pm

This "apology" is disingenuous and manipulative but would had been sincere if they made it with their real account. The individual is continuing their harmful behavior by impersonating their target and attempting to manipulate others into believing they are the victim. Their actions are deceitful and further contribute to the distress and discomfort experienced by their actual victims. If you go here: In the comments they will say they love to "troll" who they are impersonating "i hope he comes back so I can troll him some more LOL i thought after 2 months he'd never leave" . This is persistent harassment by a cyberstalker who is not a troll or trolling. By claiming they are "trolling" it discredits everything they have been saying with malicious intent.

It's important for others to recognize the manipulative nature of this apology and not be swayed by it. The individual must be held accountable for their actions, and steps should be taken to prevent further harm to their targets. there are many distinct individuals involved. It's important to clarify that there is a clear difference between the targets and the cyberstalkers.

Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 5:42 am

These profiles (Cyberstalker impersonating I love morning diamonds aka me.. and ( cyberstalker impersonating (me) Safely Sentinel are the same cyberstalker who is impersonating their targets to harass, intimidate, and deceive people. They are spreading false information. Do not engage.

Evidence of cyberstalking can be seen in the fact that this individual has copied my profile pic and name twice [( )]. This behavior is a clear attempt to deceive others and cause harm. We urge everyone to refrain from interacting with these accounts and to report them to the platform administrators immediately. Let's work together to create a safer online environment for everyone.

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Please look at my albums. 

 Edited: 5/14/2024

Cyberstalker impersonator 1

*Profile  #1  impersonating "I love morning Diamonds aka me"

*Profile #2 impersonating Aloha.

*Profile #3 impersonating me

Cyberstalker Impersonator  2

(Note: Cyberstalker Impersonator 1 confirmed this account was the sockpuppet of Cyberstalker Impersonator #2.)

*Sock puppet

This sockpuppet account is either Cyberstalker 1 or 2

Cyberstalker Impersonator 3
* profile #1

*profile #2

Cyberstalker Impersonator 4

Allies of the cyberstalker or an alt of the cyberstalkers. 

(I think I will create albums to support this section. )

alts of the cyberstalkers:

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