Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.
Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 4:42 pm

This "apology" is disingenuous and manipulative but would had been sincere if they made it with their real account. The individual is continuing their harmful behavior by impersonating their target and attempting to manipulate others into believing they are the victim. Their actions are deceitful and further contribute to the distress and discomfort experienced by their actual victims. If you go here: In the comments they will say they love to "troll" who they are impersonating "i hope he comes back so I can troll him some more LOL i thought after 2 months he'd never leave" . This is persistent harassment by a cyberstalker who is not a troll or trolling. By claiming they are "trolling" it discredits everything they have been saying with malicious intent.

It's important for others to recognize the manipulative nature of this apology and not be swayed by it. The individual must be held accountable for their actions, and steps should be taken to prevent further harm to their targets. there are many distinct individuals involved. It's important to clarify that there is a clear difference between the targets and the cyberstalkers.

Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 5:42 am

These profiles (Cyberstalker impersonating I love morning diamonds aka me.. and ( cyberstalker impersonating (me) Safely Sentinel are the same cyberstalker who is impersonating their targets to harass, intimidate, and deceive people. They are spreading false information. Do not engage.

Evidence of cyberstalking can be seen in the fact that this individual has copied my profile pic and name twice [( )]. This behavior is a clear attempt to deceive others and cause harm. We urge everyone to refrain from interacting with these accounts and to report them to the platform administrators immediately. Let's work together to create a safer online environment for everyone.

Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 4:28 am

It has come to our attention that there are individuals within our community engaging in harmful behavior, including cyberstalking and impersonation. ( and, This is the same person behind the accounts gaslighting everyone to harm their targets. )
We want to ensure the safety and well-being of all members, so we're providing some guidance on how to recognize and handle this issue.

What is Cyberstalking?
Cyberstalking involves using online platforms to harass, intimidate, or deceive others. This behavior can take many forms, including impersonation, spreading false information, and manipulation.

How to Recognize Cyberstalking:

Persistent attempts to impersonate or deceive others.
Spreading false information or rumors to tarnish someone's reputation.

Manipulative tactics aimed at controlling or intimidating individuals.
Creating multiple fake accounts to harass or stalk specific individuals.

One is impersonating I love morning diamond aka me and the other is impersonating Aloha spreading false information and debunked allegations to tarnish their target's reputation. This is the same individual behind both accounts.

What to Do if You Encounter Cyberstalking:

Do not engage with the individual perpetrating the cyberstalking.
Report the suspicious behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform administrators.
Reach out to trusted friends or community members for support.
Take steps to protect your online privacy and security.
Supporting Each Other:
Let's work together to create a supportive and respectful environment for everyone in our community. If you have concerns about someone's behavior, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

Remember, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We're here to support you and address any issues that arise. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and let's continue to build a positive community together.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 8:41 pm

Dear Community,

It has come to my attention that certain individuals continue to spread false and harmful messages despite the debunking of such claims. It's disheartening to see misinformation being used as a tool to harm others, rather than fostering understanding and cooperation within our community.

The claims made by these individuals have been debunked, and it's time to put an end to the cycle of misinformation. Instead of spreading lies, we should be working together to create a safe and supportive environment for all.

Furthermore, the accusation of me stalking them is both unfounded and absurd. My messages are directed towards stopping harmful behavior, not engaging in personal attacks or harassment. I have no desire to interact with individuals who persist in spreading falsehoods and negativity.

Moving forward, I urge those responsible to reflect on their actions and consider the impact they have on others. Healing past traumas requires introspection and empathy, not further perpetuating harm.

As for the choice to keep or change their current name and picture as I changed both, it serves as a clear indicator of their intentions. They can choose to continue down the path of negativity and harassment, or they can opt for a fresh start and embrace positivity and cooperation.

Let us strive for a peaceful and harmonious community where mutual respect and understanding prevail.

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 8:46 pm

    This is what it looks like at the moment to me. Showing I have changed my name and picture first.

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 8:57 pm

    Okay image is of
    Who has been cyberstalking me. This page was taken at GMT 8:51 PM 5/15/2024
    They have my old user name and pfp.

    As for the choice to keep or change their current name and picture as I changed both, it serves as a clear indicator of their intentions. They can choose to continue down the path of negativity and harassment, or they can opt for a fresh start and embrace positivity and cooperation.

    Let us strive for a peaceful and harmonious community where mutual respect and understanding prevail.

    So would this post be posted at GMT 8:57 PM 5/15/204

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 9:23 pm

    And there you have who is stalking who. Changed their name to my name after I changed it.

    My first comment as Safety Sentinel was here with this topic.
    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 8:41 pm

    They were still Safety Advocate as I showed above. at 8:51 pm

    Now changed their name to my new name. They posted
    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 9:17 pm

    So this is about themselves, not their targets.

    Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

    sattlevieren May 15, 2024 9:33 pm

    Yo wtf is goining on can someone explain me

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 9:39 pm
    Yo wtf is goining on can someone explain me sattlevieren

    I have provided an explanation and evidence.
    I just proved without a doubt I have a cyberstalker who is cyberstalking their targets.

    sattlevieren May 15, 2024 9:41 pm
    I have provided an explanation and evidence. I just proved without a doubt I have a cyberstalker who is cyberstalking their targets. Safety Sentinel

    Crime wait what you have been cyber stalked by who and why

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 9:52 pm
    Crime wait what you have been cyber stalked by who and why sattlevieren

    There are a few of us that has been cyberstalked and MD is one of the main targets. The individuals that are cyberstalking us will claim everyone who defends MD is MD.
    Who are the cyberstalkers? We have a few guesses. I have some of their accounts posted in my bio.
    Why are they cyberstalking us? We have tried to understand that. They are mad facts and reality is different from their opinions and they are trying to punish the messengers is the best anwser we have.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:43 am
    Crime wait what you have been cyber stalked by who and why sattlevieren

    They cat fish like crazy.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:45 pm
    They cat fish like crazy. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    It seems we need to explain "catfish".

    While the term 'catfish account' is often associated with impersonating someone else online, it can also extend to accounts that engage in deceptive or manipulative behavior, even if they're not directly impersonating another individual. In this case, the term is used to highlight the deceptive nature of the account's actions, such as spreading misinformation, targeting others with harmful intentions, or creating a false persona to deceive or manipulate others. So, when referring to someone as a 'catfish account,' it's not necessarily about directly impersonating another person, but rather about engaging in deceptive behavior or misrepresentation within an online community

    Also. It's deeply unfair and unjust to label victims or targets as aggressors simply because they hold different opinions or perspectives. Victims of harassment or cyberstalking are not villains in this scenario; they are individuals who have been subjected to unwarranted attacks, harassment, and false accusations simply for expressing their views. It's important to recognize that everyone has the right to their own opinions and should be able to express them without fear of being targeted or labeled unfairly. Blaming the victims only serves to perpetuate harm and further injustice, rather than addressing the root cause of the issue and promoting understanding and respect within the community

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 9, 2024 4:59 pm


Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 5:47 pm

This links are from the individual cyberstalking me and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

I feel compelled to address these baseless allegations to the community directly to ensure transparency and set the record straight.

The claims made against the targets regarding grooming minors, defending rape, and mocking survivors are categorically false and deeply disturbing. Such accusations not only tarnish our reputation but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and undermine the seriousness of these issues. These accusations are coming from cyberstalkers who say they are trolls. What does that tell you.

Let me be unequivocal: None of the targets have never engaged in any form of grooming, defended rape or sexual assault, nor have we ever mocked survivors of such heinous crimes. These accusations are entirely fabricated and lack any basis in truth. The ones making these claims and cyberstalking us could be doing this because they need heal from past experiences. While their past experiences may have been challenging, it does not excuse their current behavior towards their targets.

Furthermore, the suggestion that the targets created a fake victim account to support a particular opinion is utterly absurd and unfounded. Rose was a real rape survivor who was harassed on this page. Furthermore, the trolls act like her account was made after MD's which was created 10/7/2023. Rose's account was created in 2020. I stand firmly against any form of deception or manipulation and we would never resort to such tactics. Their targets have always said Jaekyung SA'd Dan. They know the difference between rape and SA. (Here is MD saying it is SA, non-con, and more but not rape. Also this was said in between chapters and MD will change what he said here with Dan raping Jaekyung. After chapter 45 was release he will go back to there is no rape in Jinx. He has not comment on the special but if you read his comments. Both could say they were raped) Here is one from TM back in July. SA and abuse.
Another one from Tora in July.

It's disheartening to see individuals resorting to such despicable tactics in an attempt to discredit their targets and their work. However, we refuse to be intimidated or silenced by these malicious attacks.

To the individuals spreading these false accusations, I urge you to consider the impact of your words. Such reckless behavior not only damages our and your reputation but also harms our community as a whole. Let us strive for honesty, integrity, and empathy in all our interactions.

Moving forward, I remain committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment where respectful dialogue thrives, and individuals are treated with dignity and respect.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 5:50 pm

    Them (bullies/trolls/haters): (for how they see us standing with research and facts: )
    'JK is a rapist' = opinion
    'JK is not a rapist but a sexual abuser' = opinion

    But we have said the story says he is not a rapist but you can view it as rape.

    How they (bullies/trolls/haters) handle a different opinion.

    'JK is a rapist' = Absolute fact (raging, fuming, and seething)

    'JK is not a rapist' = you need mental help because I can't handle others's opinion.
    Jaekyung is a rapist. Attack attack attack degrade degrade.

    Then they say you see nothing wrong with it. (Introducing the third view.)

    IT MUST BE JK IS A RAPIST OR I PUNISH YOU! I CALL YOU NAMES THAT MAKES ME LOOK INGORANT AS I MISSUSE TERM AND TRY TO FORCE MY OPINIONS ON YOU. I WILL DEGRADE YOU. Then I and others will pretend I did nothing wrong and when I am called out I will make it look like an attack and you are in the wrong.

    -Lends to the side to peek out behind the door.. Um are you okay? lets back away from that hostility. Who needs the mental help? Who can't accept an opinion? And who is ignoring their behavior and gaslighting others behavior.


    Jk is a rapist = opinion
    Jk is not a rapist but a sexual abuser =opinion
    Jk is not a rapist and there is nothing wrong with his actions = opinion.
    This and that opinion. There are more.

    We are saying with the facts, story, and research. It is a fact he is not a rapist but you can view it that way. We are not sharing our opinion. We are defending the ones who share their opinion who is attacked for having a different opinion. We use evidence to support the truth. We have solid grounds for that conclusion

    We are saying everyone should respect each other's opinions. We have stood up when others are attacked for having a different opinion. We never attacked or insulted anyone besides in pretending. If you feel insult, it was probably the reverse psychology we used and you felt insult from what you were doing to us.
    We called people out for their bad behavior. What we have stood against is the attacks, not the opinions.

    When have I shared my opinion on Jaekyung, Jinx, or whatever. You get Jaekyung is toxic but not how I view him. I never said much about Jinx. I have said I don't read toxic stories much. My opinion could be the first time is rape but Jaekyung did not know. ( a fourth opinion in how to see this. There are more).
    You will never know my real opinions. They don't matter as I stand with the facts. The gaslighting from cyberstalkers and trolls don't matter either.

    Stop. Cyberstalking is a crime. We said it before. Now it is clear it is cyber stalking. We don't want any contact from them. We want them to stop and stop harassing others, especially the ones impersonating us. Or we will report this.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 5:51 pm

    Another one from MD>

    There is a debate if Jaekyung is drunk or pretending. I can say he is not sober because of his eyes. With that being said he could be tipsy and pretending to be drunk or he is drunk. It is possible to be drunk on that cup of soju. It is not a shot glass. If you go to page 26/33 you will see Dan pouring the shot glass of soju into that cup. He poured many shots into that cup.

    Next, people want Jaekyung to stay drunk. For one that would damage his liver and other things. Also, he could be violent with being drunk. It will not solve any problems.

    But I can't believe the ones encouraging him to be drunk. Especially to the ones adding rape to Jinx. FYI: He can't consent to sex if he is drunk. Dan would be raping him. Morally and legally, it is still rape if someone is: Drinking alcohol – taking advantage of someone when they have had too much to drink or have taken drugs, is rape. Even if they seem willing they can be too drunk to consent properly.

    Dan is tipsy, so I guess this falls under dubious content.

    He should always stay drunk = Dan should always rape Jaekyung. I wonder how many think Jaekyung has raped Dan and talk about consent to turn around and make it where Jaekyung can't consent and having Dan rape him.
    That is what I mean by double standards.

    And this is only one time, he could be violent next time.
    It is unhealthy to be always drunk. If you don't care about the characters why be here?

    Jeemee May 15, 2024 8:47 pm (bullies/trolls/haters): (for how they see us standing with research and facts: )'JK is a rapist' = opinion'JK is not a rapist but a sexual abuser' = opinion... Safety Advocate

    What the fuck

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 8:50 pm
    What the fuck Jeemee


    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 9:04 pm
    What the fuck Jeemee

    I think different colors in text would help and better transitions. MD is explaining how many people have been treated on here.

Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 4:51 pm (removed) (re posted)
This did not originate from me.


I addressed it here.

"Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets."

Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 4:05 pm

Dear Community,

I made a post:
and if you read the comments you will encounter an individual impersonating TM SM YZ.
This individual , instead of engaging constructively, have resorted to baseless and offensive remarks. It's important to clarify our stance on these matters and shed light on the tactics used by cyberstalkers. There is a clear distinction between trolling and cyberstalking. While trolls may aim to provoke for entertainment or attention, cyberstalkers engage in targeted harassment, often with malicious intent. (As seeing with the comments by the one impersonating TM SM YZ in the link above.

Accusations of being a "pedo rape lover" are not only baseless but also deeply harmful. These claims not only target individuals unfairly but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a toxic online environment. It's essential to recognize such tactics for what they are: desperate attempts to discredit and intimidate. And also "getting so offended by trolls." proves that the "pedo rape lover" claim has been spread by "trolls" who really are cyberstalkers in this online space. The truth came out here. They are misusing terms to where to cheapens what those words mean.

We refuse to dignify such behavior with a direct response. Instead, we remain focused on our mission to raise awareness about cyberstalking and support those affected by it. Our reputation speaks for itself, built on a foundation of integrity, empathy, and dedication to creating a safer online community.

To those who engage in cyberstalking and impersonating, we have a message: your actions will not deter us. We will continue to stand against harassment and advocate for a more inclusive and respectful online environment. Your attempts to silence us only strengthen our resolve to speak out against injustice.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating cyberstalking and supporting those affected by it. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone can participate in online spaces without fear of harassment or intimidation.

Safety Advocate May 14, 2024 11:05 pm

Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

It has come to our attention that multiple accounts are impersonating those targeted, with one instance involving an attempt to falsely label a user in a highly inappropriate manner. The motivations behind such actions are unclear, but they underscore the need for healing and resolution.

Despite our efforts to maintain a respectful environment, these individuals persists in harmful conduct, including impersonation and the spread of misinformation. This behavior has led to an untenable situation for those affected and hinders constructive dialogue.

We urge the community to remain vigilant and to disregard any negative commentary that may arise from these activities. The well-being of our community members is of utmost importance, and we are committed to sharing our experiences to raise awareness of this issue.

We advocate for the individuals in question to seek appropriate assistance to overcome their past challenges and to cease the cycle of harassment and defamation. It is our collective responsibility to foster a safe and supportive space for all members.

Abusive behavior in any form is unacceptable, and we stand in solidarity with those who have been unjustly targeted. We appreciate the community’s understanding.

    Safety Advocate May 14, 2024 10:17 pm

    Here are a few of the profiles. Unless they were gaslighting, we have reason to believe cyberstalker impersonator 1 is also Cyberstalker Impersonator 3.

    Edited: 5/1/2024

    Cyberstalker impersonator 1

    *Profile #1 impersonating "I love morning Diamonds aka me"

    *Profile #2 impersonating Aloha.

    *Profile #3 impersonating me

    Cyberstalker Impersonator 2

    (Note: Cyberstalker Impersonator 1 confirmed this account was the sockpuppet of Cyberstalker Impersonator #2.)

    *Sock puppet

    This sockpuppet account is either Cyberstalker 1 or 2

    Cyberstalker Impersonator 3
    * profile #1

    *profile #2

    Cyberstalker Impersonator 4

    Allies of the cyberstalker or an alt of the cyberstalkers.

    (I think I will create albums to support this section. )

    Safety Advocate May 14, 2024 10:22 pm
    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 14, 2024 11:05 pm

    There are more accounts than listed here.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 2:24 am

    Please remember to read my OP as what I am posting addresses what has been said by a cyberstalker...

    BaileyBot May 15, 2024 1:45 am
    I reached out to Dolly. She was not affiliated with any of the trolls and was not aware of the clones until then. The fact that they still insist Dolly is friends with the trolls just shows that his grudge is still alive and strong. Be careful, Dolly. He knows you're a minor and he now believes you're open to communicating with him. This is how pedos operate. They convince you that they are safe, wear down your defenses, and sneak their nasty ahh in.

    My response

    I don't know why Baileybot reached out or tried to frame many people.

    It’s essential that we address the serious nature of false allegations and the impact they have on individuals. The narrative that has been presented by Baileybot is not only incorrect but also harmful. It’s crucial to differentiate between legitimate concerns and baseless accusations designed to provoke and mislead.

    We hold no grudges and wish to clarify that the behavior attributed to us does not reflect our values or actions. We were determining who is behind the fake accounts that has a grudge against us as they trying to frame many of us. The comparison made by Baileybot is unfounded and offensive, and it’s important to recognize that such statements can have real-world consequences.

    We urge everyone to approach these claims with a critical eye and seek the truth rather than accepting unfounded assertions. Our priority remains to foster a safe and respectful environment for all involved parties..

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 2:36 am
    There are more accounts than listed here. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Yes, true.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 2:52 am

    In light of recent events, it’s important to address the accusations and misunderstandings that have arisen. In March, MD took steps to create a safe space by changing his username to reflect a commitment to protecting individuals within our community. Despite these efforts, he has been subjected to mockery and false allegations by an individual known as Baileybot and the cyberstalkers.

    It has been claimed that MD engaged in inappropriate communication with a minor. However, this is factually incorrect, as evidenced by the empty direct messages (DMs) which were promptly shown to the community. The accusation that messages were deleted is unfounded and contradicts the evidence presented. He provided numbers. Baileybot can't provide the right numbers without photoshop. If numbers would be provided it would be to one of the impersonators copying MD.

    Baileybot has misattributed the actions of an impersonator to MD. This impersonator, who has admitted to both the impersonation and to making inappropriate comments, is not affiliated with MD. Their actions should not be conflated with MD’s character or intentions.

    Requesting a picture does not inherently label someone as a pedophile. Pedophilia is a serious and specific accusation that involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It’s crucial to use such terms accurately and responsibly, as misusing them can cause significant harm and misunderstanding. While the cyberstalker’s admission to asking for a picture is concerning, it does not automatically equate to pedophilia without further context and evidence.

    The shifting narratives and inconsistent details provided by the accusers point to a pattern of gaslighting and misinformation. It’s crucial to differentiate between the actions of impersonators and the real MD, who has been transparent and cooperative throughout this ordeal.

    We urge the community to critically evaluate the claims made and to seek verifiable evidence before drawing conclusions. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that discussions remain grounded in truth and that we avoid jumping to conclusions based on unverified or manipulated information.

    MD’s clarification regarding the legal definition of pedophilia was not an attempt to justify any behavior but to correct a misused term. It’s vital that we use such terms accurately to avoid causing unnecessary harm or confusion. Currently, there are false allegations circulating that conflate the actions of five or more individuals, all being wrongfully attributed to ‘MD.’ These claims inaccurately suggest that a single person was responsible for an event that is now being associated with multiple people. This misrepresentation is creating confusion and unfairly implicating ‘MD’ in activities they did not engage in.

    We hope that this statement provides clarity and encourages a move towards healing and understanding. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of accusations and to focus on building a community based on trust and respect.

    TM SM YZ May 15, 2024 2:39 pm

    Get a life imagine passing off AI as not chatgpt generated and getting so offended by trolls. Like just close your eyes

    TM SM YZ May 15, 2024 2:40 pm

    Please tell me in 500 words minimum why your mangago reputation that's already in the shitters for being a pedo rape lover matters

    TM SM YZ May 15, 2024 2:41 pm

    And don't forget to update your bio and add my link hahahaha

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 3:56 pm

    Dear Community,

    We've encountered individuals who, instead of engaging constructively, have resorted to baseless and offensive remarks. It's important to clarify our stance on these matters and shed light on the tactics used by cyberstalkers.

    Firstly, let me reiterate that we are not offended by trolls or cyberstalkers. We understand that online spaces can attract individuals who seek to disrupt and cause harm. However, there is a clear distinction between trolling and cyberstalking. While trolls may aim to provoke for entertainment or attention, cyberstalkers engage in targeted harassment, often with malicious intent. (As seeing above with the one impersonating TM SM YZ.

    Recently, we encountered an individual who attempted to undermine our efforts by resorting to unfounded accusations and personal attacks. It's evident that their sole purpose was to sow discord and spread misinformation. Such behavior only reinforces the importance of our advocacy against cyberstalking and impersonation.

    Furthermore, it's crucial to address the issue of false accusations. Accusations of being a "pedo rape lover" are not only baseless but also deeply harmful. These claims not only target individuals unfairly but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a toxic online environment. It's essential to recognize such tactics for what they are: desperate attempts to discredit and intimidate. And also "getting so offended by trolls." proves that the "pedo rape lover" claim has been spread by "trolls" who really are cyberstalkers in this online space. The truth came out here. They are misusing terms to where to cheapens what those words mean.

    We refuse to dignify such behavior with a direct response. Instead, we remain focused on our mission to raise awareness about cyberstalking and support those affected by it. Our reputation speaks for itself, built on a foundation of integrity, empathy, and dedication to creating a safer online community.

    To those who engage in cyberstalking and impersonation, we have a message: your actions will not deter us. We will continue to stand against harassment and advocate for a more inclusive and respectful online environment. Your attempts to silence us only strengthen our resolve to speak out against injustice.

    it's important to remember that people who resort to name-calling and insults usually do so out of their own insecurities ignorance. We also don't engage with individual who make us uncomfortable and trying to frame others. We have repeatedly requested that they discontinue their communication with us. Despite our clear communication, they persists in engaging with us through name-calling and unfounded accusations, which we categorically deny. We seek no interaction and have expressed this unequivocally. It is our hope that we move towards a peaceful resolution

    In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating cyberstalking and supporting those affected by it. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone can participate in online spaces without fear of harassment or intimidation.

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 10:17 pm

    Prove they are cyberstalkers and stalking us.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:42 am

    New catfish account
    They already have me blocked.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 11:16 pm


    Safety Sentinel May 24, 2024 4:00 am


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 30, 2024 4:23 am


Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 2:52 am
This is rage bait from a cyberstalker who thinks they are trolls.
They. Are. Not. Trolls.
We. Are. Not. Feeding. Trolls. Stop deflecting from being a cyberstalker.

Baileybot is spreading lies. She is a cyberstalker too. She is the aggressor and going after someone who does not deserve it. She needs to grow a heart stop spreading lies and her actions reflect her, not us. What immature and inappropriate behavior.

warning others is not feeding the trolls. That shows this is not trolling.

Safety Advocate May 11, 2024 11:52 pm

About "☆" aka

They have made some comments today "being a victim" and must be talking about their MD that is impersonating the real MD.

One of the threads when the impersonations started.

You will see "☆ " impersonating "January 26, 2020 TM SM 사랑" and admitting to being a troll but is a in fact a cyberstalker. They had two accounts one impersonating TM and one impersonating MD. Then they impersonated Assertive Tigritude with the account they used today.

page 2
January 26, 2020 TM SM 사랑 February 8, 2024 8:14 pm
Engaging with trolls is no better hahahhahah
When they were coping Assertive Tigritude Which they still have the picture that Assertive Tigritude uses.

"☆" is not the victim. They are the aggressor.

What topics will be shown here?

Topics that you posted in a manga's page will be shown here, as well as replies from other users.