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Safety Sentinel followed a goer
01 06,2024
Safety Sentinel followed a goer

"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma." - Patrick Star  

Some random stuff about me:

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: I'm a member of the Alphabet Gang

Age: Young Adult

I'm just one of the local binge readers, I'm not
 really much of a list maker♡

I use my Already Read List as my dropped list 
too so I technically haven't read all of those fully lmao

I read some very messed up stuff and I'm
 not traumatized easily and I also seem to have a gangster fetish 

Genres that I usually read are: Isekai, Yaoi, Yuri, GL, BL, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Bara, Adult, Smut, Shoujo, Josei, Shounen, Seinen, Supernatural, Horror, Mature, Romance, Historical, and Psychological

My pfp changes a lot btw

01 06,2024
Safety Sentinel followed a goer

I mightve lied a few time s

01 06,2024
Safety Sentinel followed a goer

My whole page is as unorganized and chaotic as my brain.

01 06,2024
Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

This "apology" is disingenuous and manipulative but would had been sincere if they made it with their real account. The individual is continuing their harmful behavior by impersonating their target and attempting to manipulate others into believing they are the victim. Their actions are deceitful and further contribute to the distress and discomfort experienced by their actual victims. If you go here: In the comments they will say they love to "troll" who they are impersonating "i hope he comes back so I can troll him some more LOL i thought after 2 months he'd never leave" . This is persistent harassment by a cyberstalker who is not a troll or trolling. By claiming they are "trolling" it discredits everything they have been saying with malicious intent.

It's important for others to recognize the manipulative nature of this apology and not be swayed by it. The individual must be held accountable for their actions, and steps should be taken to prevent further harm to their targets. there are many distinct individuals involved. It's important to clarify that there is a clear difference between the targets and the cyberstalkers.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

These profiles (Cyberstalker impersonating I love morning diamonds aka me.. and ( cyberstalker impersonating (me) Safely Sentinel are the same cyberstalker who is impersonating their targets to harass, intimidate, and deceive people. They are spreading false information. Do not engage.

Evidence of cyberstalking can be seen in the fact that this individual has copied my profile pic and name twice [( )]. This behavior is a clear attempt to deceive others and cause harm. We urge everyone to refrain from interacting with these accounts and to report them to the platform administrators immediately. Let's work together to create a safer online environment for everyone.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

It has come to our attention that there are individuals within our community engaging in harmful behavior, including cyberstalking and impersonation. ( and, This is the same person behind the accounts gaslighting everyone to harm their targets. )
We want to ensure the safety and well-being of all members, so we're providing some guidance on how to recognize and handle this issue.

What is Cyberstalking?
Cyberstalking involves using online platforms to harass, intimidate, or deceive others. This behavior can take many forms, including impersonation, spreading false information, and manipulation.

How to Recognize Cyberstalking:

Persistent attempts to impersonate or deceive others.
Spreading false information or rumors to tarnish someone's reputation.

Manipulative tactics aimed at controlling or intimidating individuals.
Creating multiple fake accounts to harass or stalk specific individuals.

One is impersonating I love morning diamond aka me and the other is impersonating Aloha spreading false information and debunked allegations to tarnish their target's reputation. This is the same individual behind both accounts.

What to Do if You Encounter Cyberstalking:

Do not engage with the individual perpetrating the cyberstalking.
Report the suspicious behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform administrators.
Reach out to trusted friends or community members for support.
Take steps to protect your online privacy and security.
Supporting Each Other:
Let's work together to create a supportive and respectful environment for everyone in our community. If you have concerns about someone's behavior, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

Remember, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We're here to support you and address any issues that arise. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and let's continue to build a positive community together.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Dear Community,

It has come to my attention that certain individuals continue to spread false and harmful messages despite the debunking of such claims. It's disheartening to see misinformation being used as a tool to harm others, rather than fostering understanding and cooperation within our community.

The claims made by these individuals have been debunked, and it's time to put an end to the cycle of misinformation. Instead of spreading lies, we should be working together to create a safe and supportive environment for all.

Furthermore, the accusation of me stalking them is both unfounded and absurd. My messages are directed towards stopping harmful behavior, not engaging in personal attacks or harassment. I have no desire to interact with individuals who persist in spreading falsehoods and negativity.

Moving forward, I urge those responsible to reflect on their actions and consider the impact they have on others. Healing past traumas requires introspection and empathy, not further perpetuating harm.

As for the choice to keep or change their current name and picture as I changed both, it serves as a clear indicator of their intentions. They can choose to continue down the path of negativity and harassment, or they can opt for a fresh start and embrace positivity and cooperation.

Let us strive for a peaceful and harmonious community where mutual respect and understanding prevail.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

This links are from the individual cyberstalking me and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

I feel compelled to address these baseless allegations to the community directly to ensure transparency and set the record straight.

The claims made against the targets regarding grooming minors, defending rape, and mocking survivors are categorically false and deeply disturbing. Such accusations not only tarnish our reputation but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and undermine the seriousness of these issues. These accusations are coming from cyberstalkers who say they are trolls. What does that tell you.

Let me be unequivocal: None of the targets have never engaged in any form of grooming, defended rape or sexual assault, nor have we ever mocked survivors of such heinous crimes. These accusations are entirely fabricated and lack any basis in truth. The ones making these claims and cyberstalking us could be doing this because they need heal from past experiences. While their past experiences may have been challenging, it does not excuse their current behavior towards their targets.

Furthermore, the suggestion that the targets created a fake victim account to support a particular opinion is utterly absurd and unfounded. Rose was a real rape survivor who was harassed on this page. Furthermore, the trolls act like her account was made after MD's which was created 10/7/2023. Rose's account was created in 2020. I stand firmly against any form of deception or manipulation and we would never resort to such tactics. Their targets have always said Jaekyung SA'd Dan. They know the difference between rape and SA. (Here is MD saying it is SA, non-con, and more but not rape. Also this was said in between chapters and MD will change what he said here with Dan raping Jaekyung. After chapter 45 was release he will go back to there is no rape in Jinx. He has not comment on the special but if you read his comments. Both could say they were raped) Here is one from TM back in July. SA and abuse.
Another one from Tora in July.

It's disheartening to see individuals resorting to such despicable tactics in an attempt to discredit their targets and their work. However, we refuse to be intimidated or silenced by these malicious attacks.

To the individuals spreading these false accusations, I urge you to consider the impact of your words. Such reckless behavior not only damages our and your reputation but also harms our community as a whole. Let us strive for honesty, integrity, and empathy in all our interactions.

Moving forward, I remain committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment where respectful dialogue thrives, and individuals are treated with dignity and respect.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx (removed) (re posted)
This did not originate from me.


I addressed it here.

"Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets."

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Dear Community,

I made a post:
and if you read the comments you will encounter an individual impersonating TM SM YZ.
This individual , instead of engaging constructively, have resorted to baseless and offensive remarks. It's important to clarify our stance on these matters and shed light on the tactics used by cyberstalkers. There is a clear distinction between trolling and cyberstalking. While trolls may aim to provoke for entertainment or attention, cyberstalkers engage in targeted harassment, often with malicious intent. (As seeing with the comments by the one impersonating TM SM YZ in the link above.

Accusations of being a "pedo rape lover" are not only baseless but also deeply harmful. These claims not only target individuals unfairly but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a toxic online environment. It's essential to recognize such tactics for what they are: desperate attempts to discredit and intimidate. And also "getting so offended by trolls." proves that the "pedo rape lover" claim has been spread by "trolls" who really are cyberstalkers in this online space. The truth came out here. They are misusing terms to where to cheapens what those words mean.

We refuse to dignify such behavior with a direct response. Instead, we remain focused on our mission to raise awareness about cyberstalking and support those affected by it. Our reputation speaks for itself, built on a foundation of integrity, empathy, and dedication to creating a safer online community.

To those who engage in cyberstalking and impersonating, we have a message: your actions will not deter us. We will continue to stand against harassment and advocate for a more inclusive and respectful online environment. Your attempts to silence us only strengthen our resolve to speak out against injustice.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating cyberstalking and supporting those affected by it. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone can participate in online spaces without fear of harassment or intimidation.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

It has come to our attention that multiple accounts are impersonating those targeted, with one instance involving an attempt to falsely label a user in a highly inappropriate manner. The motivations behind such actions are unclear, but they underscore the need for healing and resolution.

Despite our efforts to maintain a respectful environment, these individuals persists in harmful conduct, including impersonation and the spread of misinformation. This behavior has led to an untenable situation for those affected and hinders constructive dialogue.

We urge the community to remain vigilant and to disregard any negative commentary that may arise from these activities. The well-being of our community members is of utmost importance, and we are committed to sharing our experiences to raise awareness of this issue.

We advocate for the individuals in question to seek appropriate assistance to overcome their past challenges and to cease the cycle of harassment and defamation. It is our collective responsibility to foster a safe and supportive space for all members.

Abusive behavior in any form is unacceptable, and we stand in solidarity with those who have been unjustly targeted. We appreciate the community’s understanding.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx
This is rage bait from a cyberstalker who thinks they are trolls.
They. Are. Not. Trolls.
We. Are. Not. Feeding. Trolls. Stop deflecting from being a cyberstalker.

Baileybot is spreading lies. She is a cyberstalker too. She is the aggressor and going after someone who does not deserve it. She needs to grow a heart stop spreading lies and her actions reflect her, not us. What immature and inappropriate behavior.

warning others is not feeding the trolls. That shows this is not trolling.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

About "☆" aka

They have made some comments today "being a victim" and must be talking about their MD that is impersonating the real MD.

One of the threads when the impersonations started.

You will see "☆ " impersonating "January 26, 2020 TM SM 사랑" and admitting to being a troll but is a in fact a cyberstalker. They had two accounts one impersonating TM and one impersonating MD. Then they impersonated Assertive Tigritude with the account they used today.

page 2
January 26, 2020 TM SM 사랑 February 8, 2024 8:14 pm
Engaging with trolls is no better hahahhahah
When they were coping Assertive Tigritude Which they still have the picture that Assertive Tigritude uses.

"☆" is not the victim. They are the aggressor.

Updated of Cyberstalker 1 saying Cyberstalker 2 is the real Baileybot.
However, Now I think cyberstalker 1 is BaileyBot.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Lesson 1 what a troll and cyberstalker is. The cyberstalkers who are harassing us here pretend to be trolls or they don't know the difference.

In academic literature, trolling refers to acting in deceptive, disruptive, and destructive ways in internet social settings with no apparent purpose. On the other hand, cyberstalking involves using the internet to repeatedly target a specific person (Check) in a way that causes them distress or fear (they wished), reflecting descriptions of offline stalking. Let me elaborate further:

Definition: Trolling typically involves engaging in online behavior that is intentionally provocative, inflammatory, or disruptive. Trolls often post offensive or controversial content to provoke emotional reactions from others.

Purpose: Unlike cyberstalkers, trolls don’t necessarily have a specific target or purpose. (Unlike here) Their actions may not be directed at any particular individual but are meant to create chaos, annoyance, or amusement. (unlike here)

Examples: Trolls might leave offensive comments on social media posts, derail discussions, or deliberately spread misinformation. (hmm)

Definition: Cyberstalking specifically targets an individual (Check). It involves persistent and harmful behavior directed at someone online. (check) Cyberstalkers may use various online platforms (social media, email, etc.) to harass (check) or intimidate (check) their victim.

Purpose: Unlike trolls, cyberstalkers have a clear target (MD, oh where is MD. You are MD, You are MD. Check). They may be motivated by personal vendettas (check), obsession (OMG check), revenge (check), or a desire to control (check) or harm the victim(check).

Examples: Cyberstalking behaviors include tracking someone’s online activity (check), spreading false rumors (check), or creating fake profiles to harass the victim (CHECK CHECK CHECK)

They are not trolls. They are cyberstalkers. When you know they are cyberstalkers or trolls, they don't get to you and they pretend to get us because they is what they desire and they believe they get from twisting our replies. They have failed. They are going nowhere. They keep claiming to be trolls and when you know what trolling means you are not effected by them because they are saying they are hurting and have miserable lives or sadistic.

Why are they pretending to be trolls....
There could be several reasons why cyberstalkers pretend to be trolls:

Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a possibility. By pretending to be trolls, they may try to make you doubt your own perception of reality.

Avoiding Detection: Genuine trolls might block you and move on quickly. Cyberstalkers, however, want to maintain access to you. By pretending to be trolls, they can continue their harassment without being blocked.

Maintaining Control: Cyberstalkers often seek control over their victims. By pretending to be trolls, they can manipulate your emotions and reactions, keeping you engaged and vulnerable.

They are wasting their time with people that understand what they are and what they are doing.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Basically, a few people need to take accountability for their actions. They got mad that Morning Diamonds called them out on their behavior and proved them wrong. They harassed him. They have created accounts to impersonate their targets. There is one impersonating me.

When that failed they tried to frame one with their sockpuppet, Baileybot. They have admitted to that. Moreover, the real one never revealed his age and when they started impersonating him they made him a minor until they fabricate this exposed lie that baileybot continues to spread due to her hatred and being threatened by the real MD.

The real mornings never emailed the sock puppet. Now they are running with exposed lies to try to damage the real one rep as they hate him that much. They are threatened by him and trying to force him off here with lies.

They are responsible for their behavior and they cannot simply blame others or harass others for their problems. Their dishonesty has consequences and they are trying to alienate people. They need to learn empathy and learn when they have lost. Not many of their targets are willing to continue this harassment on them.
The cyberstalkers have taken on full-time jobs to harass us and stalk us. They have impersonated Mornings for months. Who does that? Who fabricates stories and try to frame someone? They have pushed too hard and are desperate.
The cyberstalkers who can't take accountability for their behavior are harassing a few people because they were proven wrong and called out on their behavior. They blame their targets for their own actions and they can't move on from the past.
Now they will make posts to gaslight others instead of taking accountability for their behaviors that caused this. What they are doing is wrong. Their actions have consequences. Their dishonesty and fabrications are wrong. Them using their friends and other alts to back them up on lies while pretending to be new is wrong and sad.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

This topic is not me but a cyberstalker pretending to me as they gaslight everything.

The one who responded is also the same person.
So and are the same cyberstalker with different accounts gaslighting everyone.

They need to stop. It is enough. We have explained the truth and many of us are no longer willing to continue with their full-time job harassing Morning Diamonds and us.

If we are correct. Only one person can be that cyberstalker.


Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

SA: These (cyberstalker) impersonators are bad, evil people! ( I said villains. Gaslighting)
BB: Here's proof you were also an impersonator.
SA: irreverent point. I am not a cyberstalker. My actions don't equal to the cyberstalkers or their sockpuppets actions.

SA: I was only Bailey for one day ( Gaslighting not what I said.)
BB: Here's proof you used my name and pfp for multiple days.
SAL I pretend to be the sockpuppet for a day or something. I kept the name and picture but I said I was not the sock puppet. I would say I am not the real one.

"at first I pretended to be her and then after a day? I will say I was not the real Baileybot."
I changed it after they revealed Bailey was a sockpuppet.

SA: I told people I wasn't Bailey ( see she knew what I said and gaslighted everyone)
BB: You still had my name and pfp and likely would've continued if people didn't keep calling you out on it.
SA: People did not call me out on it as she claims. She is gaslighting how pathetic. I changed it with they exposed their lies.

SA: Well I never did anything bad while using her name!
BB: Except you used my name to defend a predator who asked me, a minor, for pics and tried to paint me as a liar.

SA: She is the predator as she has said she was pedo on her other account. Her target is not a predator. He never DM her. It was her friend that DM her to frame the real one.

She has zero credibility. No matter how many crocodile tears she shed, everyone can see right through her. She is not a victim and neither is Predators of Jinx.

These two have said they are pedophiles and one of them is Baileybot.

Cyberstalker impersonator 1

*Profile #1 impersonating "I love morning Diamonds aka me" (

*Profile #2 impersonating Aloha.

*Profile #3 impersonating me

Cyberstalker Impersonator 2

(Note: Cyberstalker Impersonator 1 confirmed this account was the sockpuppet of Cyberstalker Impersonator #2.)

*Sock puppet

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

"You don't wanna start, SA. I got a full album of YOU pretending to be me."
That means nothing I have topics still up with Baileybot as the screen name.
I have explain myself well. Only the first day did I pretend to be her. Then after I would say I am not the real Baileybot. I don't know why she is lying or saying I pretend not to clone her? Shows she is lying and gaslighting you.

After the cyberstalkers said Baileybot was a sockpuppet of theirs I changed this profile to something meaningful and what it was from the beginning. I came to undo her petty lie and trying to frame an innocent person.
No one deserves what Baileybot has done, He does not deserve it. We don't deserve it. She is not the victim. He is her victim. We are her targets. She harasses us. She stalks us. She is obsessed with us.

I did not do much when I had my name as baileybot. Nothing compare to the real baileybot words and actions or her on her other accounts. She has nothing.

"Not to mention your other friend who pretended to be levipleasecallmeback."
Aloha pretended to be levipleasecallmeback to get levi to stop what was happening and for Levi to understand what was happening was wrong. Levi was all for it but when she was impersonated she hated it. Aloha was only Levi for a few hours. She did not harm.

That was nothing too. She is trying to make us look bad to take away from her actions. She is the villain.

" You are a big ass hypocrite. "
That is her self-projecting.

"You have no right to cry about people impersonating your pedo friend when you have done the same shit."

This does not fit to me and my friends, this fits to her and her friends as she has admitted to being a pedo on another profile of hers. Reality don’t see us that way she paints us. We don't see us the way she paints us. It is her and her friends crying they are doing this because he proved them wrong and they hate him for it. He called them out and they are crying.

If anyone went that that album they would see she is gaslighting everything. I am not longer interesting in talking to her or the other cyberstalkers. I am not entertaining their gaslighting. I will stop them from gaslight others. I know what happened. She framed mornings with the cyberstalker that is impersonating him. I am convicted in the truth about the situation.

If you believe Baileybot, you let yourself be gaslighted by a sockpuppeet of the cyberstalkers who can't take a hint no one is interested in talking to her, she frame someone and she could frame you. Her comments are mostly gasligting.