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vasya's experience ( All 1 )

YOOO on the topic of weird dreams, idk how well this fits the question BUT I lucid dreamed for the first time like a week or 2 ago & it was incredible!?! Like I became fully conscious in my dream at one point, I could feel the white tablecloth in front of me (like the exact texture and all), though I did reality checks but I had the right amount of......   reply
22 05,2021

vasya's answer ( All 236 )

honestly I’ll take it. As long as fox is not some sort of culinary delicacy there . Tbh it’s like those isekai manhwas where the fl reincarnates as a cute animal that the hot ml looks after, and then she later shapeshifts into a human   reply
8 days
This one was sm fun!   reply
17 days
it’s a basic bitch answer ik but reincarnate me into JJK with insane powers & foresight to prevent everything and I’ll turn it into a slice of life manga with only figurative slicing   reply
18 days
about question
idk what kind of genres u like so I’ll just give a random mix of everything. tho lmk if u want any genre in particular or want recs similar ! 开端 Reset (CN) (time loop, super famous high quality cdrama) Alice in Borderland (JP) (survival game genre, thriller, action, human connection; Anyway it’s SO GOOD) Cloverfield (sci fi horror, fo......   2 reply
25 days
1. GROOMING STORIES I hate hate hate the grooming storylines where the fl raises the ml from childhood (or at least knows him for a significant amount of time when he’s a child and she’s an adult) and then they try and make it seem “ok” bc apparently he’s the one doing all the pursuing when he’s an adult. Makes my blood boil lol 2. ‘......   2 reply
25 05,2024

vasya's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did made a discord server


5 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

10 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

11 hours