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LovelyD answered question about using mangago
None of yall are real. Why would anything you guys say bother me?
LovelyD asked question about read 1000 manga or more

If you ever in your life have gotten a bad fast food order and felt the need to call back and inform the fast food employee that you did not like your order Don’t I promise you WE DO NOT CARE First and foremost I was not working yesterday so i don’t know why you felt the need to call back the next day but I have no idea what went wron......

LovelyD asked question about question

MY STORY IS NUMBER 24 IN MYSTERY ROMANCEEEEE I have no idea how wattpad’s ranking system works but it probably means something right? Anyways my story is about a girl stuck inside of a high school romcom movie if that sounds interesting to you at all you should check it out and give me some feedback Here’s the link:

LovelyD asked question about empty thoughts

Anyways since it seems like mangago is about to kick the bucket go read my story y’all its about a girl who finds out she’s stuck in a shitty high school rom com movie. Feedback and advice is very much appreciated!

LovelyD answered question about question
I cant post anymore since it says my posts need to get approved so now i cant spread misinformation anymore SMH. Anyways yall go read my story. Feedback and advice is very much appreciated.
LovelyD answered question about explain your username
LovelyD asked question about explain your username

The Barbie soda is garbage Can’t believe I spent 3 dollars on this shit

LovelyD asked question about question

Ruflestiflekun did nothing wrong You’re telling me this man made a deal with her to make gold in exchange for her first born child And after helping her she wants to be all like “nooooo dont take my first born child noooo” Like bitch you were aware what the deal was YOU MADE THE DEAL NO ONE FORCED YOU TO AND NOW YOU WANNA ACT CLUELES......

LovelyD answered question about question
Lmao this post is so funny to me because by making a post saying “stop giving them attention” you are in fact giving them attention. Either ways whether they get attention or not i dont think they’re gonna stop doing what they doing. If you look through their activity its pretty clear that attention is not what motivates them other wise they ......
LovelyD asked question about question

Ok so i just watched this TikTok video Video in question: But for those who cant watch it or if the link doesnt work for some reason here’s a summary of the video in question So there’s this black girl who is dating this white guy and she said that if she had kids with him she wouldn’t allow her kids t......

LovelyD asked question about question

As a Nigerian who grew up eating actual GOOD SEASONED beans seeing people try and defend the monstrosity that is canned beans offends me to my core That shit is fucking nasty and if you like it im gonna assume your nasty as well cause It literally tastes like slimly wet balls The only people who i will somewhat take this slander from is Brit......

LovelyD asked question about question

Have yall done the standards test? It’s basically a website where you put all of your criteria for what you’re looking for in a partner and it tells you what percentage of men or women meet those standards Yall i thought my .6% was bad…… Why do i see people on TikTok getting 0%….. Like you’re telling me not ONE NOT ONE PERSON......

Bro fuck farsighted people all my homies hate farsighted people Like nearsighted makes sense cause the further away something is obviously it’s gonna be harder to see But you’re telling me this shit is right in front of your eyes and you STILL can’t see it?????? Dumb bitch Also this post has nothing to do with the fact that I recently......

LovelyD answered question about question
From what I’ve seen from the answers it seems to be either - i like the domination aspect - it helps me deal with my own trauma - idk why i just like it Either way my opinion on this stays the same im not gonna tell you what you can and cant do with your partner behind closed doors (if its legal that is) but if you go out of your way to talk ab......
LovelyD asked question about music recommendations

Why do different water bottles be tasting different like isn’t it all just water? Like why is core so good but essantia or whatever tf it’s called be tasting like straight dudu water Btw I love you

LovelyD asked question about character obsession

I need some enemies to lovers recommendations but when i say enemies i dont mean just 1 of them hating each other I need them to be fighting in the same war but on opposite sides I need their families to have generational long beef I need one of them to think that the other one killed their lover or something Like i need them to be enemies ......

LovelyD asked question about your opinions

This is litterally so cruel and fucked up i hate it here because why did i see a fucking spider in the bathroom spiders arent supposed to be in the fucking bathroom and i was gonna take my night bath and chill and relax before i go to bed but now i cant all because of this fucking spider like is nothing sacred anymore why is this happening to me li......

LovelyD asked question about question

As someone with a cultural name thats very long and very difficult to pronounce for English speakers the argument against “weird” names is so odd to me By weird names I mean names that are either unconventional (ex. Valley, Saffron, divine) Or common names with weird spellings Idk this though came to me after reading a Reddit story about th......

LovelyD answered question about character obsession
Sometimes when i get a notification for this question i read through some of the old replies and im always so confused as to why everyone was so pressed about op not liking sex