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Local simp want to do ( All 1 )

i need to study

Local simp's experience ( All 6 )

Been doing so well not saying shit about myself and mental health to people around me. But I said some shit to get my mom off my back and now she's getting me some help. Honestly think I'm beyond help at this point. I just wanna be fucking left alone and deteriorate.   2 reply
12 12,2023
about crying
After I fail doing something once I give up Applied to a shitty job interview that I knowingly fucked up and was preparing for rejection all weekend but it still hurts fuck I don't think I'm gonna be applying to shit any time soon I don't think I can even crawl out of this hole I dug for myself Really glad we don't own a rope   reply
03 12,2023
Local simp
23 07,2021
After years of going after characters with animal ears/tails and finally watching beastars made me realize "wow, I like anthromorphic animals... I'm probably a fur-"   2 reply
23 07,2021
I just wanna collect some sea mushrooms cuz I ran out in my world... :((   1 reply
10 07,2021
Local simp
10 12,2020
To help with my insomnia I listen to ambient ASMR (things like sounds of a library or forest at night), YT recommended me this heartbeat ASMR thing. Basically just the sound of a heartbeat, I slept like a rock on that one so I went to go watch more and then I get recommended a bf heartbeat ASMR thing and I'm like "sure why not." it was just a heart......   2 reply
10 12,2020

Local simp's answer ( All 204 )

about question
Before the site started implementing changes after the lockdown ended (like limiting the number of questions you could see), you could check the oldest created/updated manga from years back and most of them were old 2000s or 90s shoujo and bl. So yes, this site was created for pirating bl but also shoujo manga. Such a shame you can't check a piece ......   2 reply
31 01,2024
about question
gg for me ig   reply
07 12,2023
WAIT THIS WAS MY POST I was wondering why I was getting notifs for a random post I never answered Anyway, I never picked up the viola lol   reply
06 11,2023
Was looking for hetalia doujinshi and stayed cus of all the free shit on here.   reply
24 10,2023
about question
The amount of emoticons you're using is giving 2010 anime forums energy.   reply
15 10,2023

Local simp's question ( All 24 )

about question
I just got logged out multiple times and some things aren't loading for me like manga covers, comments or my profile. I almost freaked out when my profile or notifs wouldn't load, I thought my account got deleted or sum
23 05,2024
I'm trying to find a job but was rejected from fast food places, y'know the usual. I'm over 18 (not saying what age for privacy reasons), I do not go to college or university or trade school or anything really, I do not have any previous job experiences. I'm not good at socializing or dealing with people (likely why I got rejected from retail or fast food). I'm not good physically (meaning I'm not strong, I think I may be suffering from an iron deficiency too) and I think I suffer from undiagnosed anxiety. I don't wanna be useless anymore. Frankly, I would've just either killed myself or continued leeching off my dad but he's divorced, supporting 2 kids (excluding me), and has a gf and baby abroad he's supporting financially (i have no idea why but he's an adult so idc). The guilt's been eating me up, I feel like a huge piece of shit tbh not doing anything and funerals are expensive so I want to get a job.
So people of mangago who are/have been useless shut ins like me, what kind of jobs can I do? Probably not a lot but honestly I'll take anything at this point.

I need a job, I've been rejected by retail and fast food
I have no prior job experience, I'm over 18
I'm not good at socializing but I can try, I'm not good physically (and mentally really)
Please tell what kind of job I can do in my situation
20 03,2024
about crying
Srsly! I literally just logged on like 5 min ago and click on a new chapter and was sent to a porn site! So annoying! Fffff
15 08,2023
about crying
Local simp
18 07,2021
I just met this guy in a game and they just told me their entire life story... It was so awkward because I didn't know how to respond....
Do you guys experience this as well? People telling you everything even though both of you just met?
18 07,2021
Can I join your worlds?
I just wanna test my character's dmg but everybody keeps rejecting my join request...
My low AR friend never logs in anymore...
Please :'(
09 06,2021

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

gay dude becomes a vampire and preys on the downfall of a bloodline because he couldn't stand being poor

24 minutes
did explain a manga plot badly

Unfollow to kill influencer, otherwise follow to risk death.

25 minutes
did explain a manga plot badly

man download app, have to film movies to reach his wish. in love with his split personality. gay.

-Supernatural Movie Actor App (novel btw)

1 hours