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Chicken want to do ( All 1 )


Chicken's experience ( All 1 )

That they haven't updated us on ssum. The most updates we get on MM is events and bug fixes and last drastic thing I remember is the new routes and UI change. I wanna know what they've done to my Boi Teo ..   reply
04 06,2021

Chicken's answer ( All 91 )

about question
24 07,2021
No   reply
24 07,2021
YA FECKS THINK THIS IS NEW? HERE'S A LINK WITH A BUNCH OF KIDS UNDERAGE TO BE HERE Like bro this ain't even new, I'm just surprised parents ain't being good parents and monitoring their Web history. Good god.   reply
22 07,2021
22 07,2021
Metamorphosis   2 reply
22 07,2021
I'm the one that gets crushed on and I ain't even pretty, just an asshole.   reply
22 07,2021

Chicken's question ( All 7 )

The VA for Victor Jonah Scott won't be able to come back to his role because he asserted Taiwan is a country.
05 06,2021
about question
Any and every kind welcome as long as the stream ain't for jacking off.
05 06,2021
about question
24 05,2021
Anyone on here have migraines and what do you do?
24 05,2021
about lmao
You guys watching the steam?
24 04,2021

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

gay dude becomes a vampire and preys on the downfall of a bloodline because he couldn't stand being poor

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Unfollow to kill influencer, otherwise follow to risk death.

1 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

man download app, have to film movies to reach his wish. in love with his split personality. gay.

-Supernatural Movie Actor App (novel btw)

3 hours