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drops June 13, 2024 3:38 pm

the dynamic of the second couple is usually one i like but ngl sagolds writing or whoever is writing for them is so fucking busted it feels like a high schooler fanfiction writer created this story line and character development like the only redeeming quality is just how gorgeous the art is.... anyways sanho and tak and inseo should kill themselves especially tak.. yihyeok gets a pass i guess

drops March 4, 2024 7:57 am

THIS SHIT IS PISSING ME OFF LIKE can manhwa artists not make the most stupidly circumstantial shit for five minutes... what do you mean dan checked the spray SECONDS before it got switched out plus like come up with a more creative way of sabotaging maybe my standards are too high but their art is always great it's just missing details that would make it so much better of a story. i don't even like the characters in this story anyway so idk why i'm complaining

    androwomeda March 4, 2024 8:06 am

    it makes sense though? it was just a really unfortunate thing that happened.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 8:15 am

    Fiction isn't always meant to be realistic though. Are Kdramas realistic

    androwomeda March 4, 2024 8:30 am
    Fiction isn't always meant to be realistic though. Are Kdramas realistic Manhwaspicy

    exactly, it's fiction, idk why they're so upset? plus stuff like this has been happening in jinx for the longest

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:31 am

    Hi! Letting you know that manhwaspicy is a friend of a pedo and downplays the rape of real survivors by calling minors in this comment section rapists! His opinions are trash.

    tongtong March 4, 2024 9:03 am
    Hi! Letting you know that manhwaspicy is a friend of a pedo and downplays the rape of real survivors by calling minors in this comment section rapists! His opinions are trash. BaileyBot

    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence?

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:15 am
    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence? tongtong

    You can look through my comments. I have screenshots but I don't know how to post them here.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:27 am
    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence? tongtong

    His friend didn't like that I called his name cringe so he sent me inappropriate messages where he asked for photos of me. He's private messaged other people as well. manhwaspicy said this to me and another user:

    "You are no different from a fk rapist. It's people like you who lie that they've been raped, making innocent people end up in jail while they waste their lives away. That is another form of Evil, and I pray the victims get justified from you LIARS. I've heard of so many cases. Continue being a fk bitch anyway, y'all are entertaining and I'm here for all that shit!"

    Here's the thread where it happened:

    epime43 March 4, 2024 10:45 am

    how is it circumstantial? it has already been previously explained that there might end up being a mole amongst the gym members cus of jaekyung's terrible behaviour towards them. not only that, but the other guys tried approaching dan to get to jaekyung but failed. it is only natural they could have planted sb else there or proceeded to talk to another gym member. which are the missing details?

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:33 am

    @BaileyBot Is there someone paying you to lie? Why tf you lying? You said you're a minor, then wth are you even doing on this site?

    Why are you so obsessed with lying against people? Why are you so obsessed with me? You are a weirdo who lies and plays the victim card. You are pathetic. You need serious help bc bruhh you're not normal at this point.

    It's the fact you claim to have screenshots and then you can even share them. You're just using that as an excuse for others to believe you. You are a pathetic liar and you will rot in hell.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 12:03 pm

    You said they sent you emails? What can't you copy and paste the text on here? Paste it, let all see how much more you can continue with this lie.

    I will give you one advice as a minor, be kind to yourself and prioritise your own mental wellbeing.

    Take care.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:27 pm

    Girl look at him pretending to be worried about me after calling me a bitch and telling me to piss on myself. What? Are you scared of other people seeing what a disgusting nasty pos you are?

    If I copy and paste all the messages, what will you say? That it's not proof enough because there are no pictures? GFYS pedo defender. Your friend is lucky I can't fucking upload the screencaps here

    tongtong March 4, 2024 3:33 pm
    how is it circumstantial? it has already been previously explained that there might end up being a mole amongst the gym members cus of jaekyung's terrible behaviour towards them. not only that, but the other gu... epime43

    They probably forgot about it because they are too focus on jaekyung being an asshole (to be fair I understand them lol)

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:35 pm


    Bitch who tf said I was worried about your flat ass. You are basically embarrassing yourself you minor!

    It was a piece of advice and you should fk take it bc I can be very abrupt and blunt. A minor shouldn't be arguing with an adult. I don't wanna add you to my list of people to be humbled. If this BS continues, it won't end well for me and you BaileyBot. Mark my words.

    Copy and Paste you idiot! That's the only way to embarrass yourself more on here LMAOO Paste it and let the whole mangago see it. Pathetic!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 6:27 pm

    Hahahaha! What is that lame ass threat? What are you going to do? You think you're Batman? Going to beat up the big bad minor and save your pedo friend? Go ahead, Bruce. This is the only place you can act big anyway. We all know you're a timid little pussy in real life.

    drops March 4, 2024 8:50 pm
    They probably forgot about it because they are too focus on jaekyung being an asshole (to be fair I understand them lol) tongtong

    girl im too lazy to respond to all of these people (circumstancial may not have been the right word ill admit it though) but WHY ARE THERE COMPLETELY UNRELATED ARGUMENTS AND DRAMA HERE LMFAOOOOOO

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:56 pm
    girl im too lazy to respond to all of these people (circumstancial may not have been the right word ill admit it though) but WHY ARE THERE COMPLETELY UNRELATED ARGUMENTS AND DRAMA HERE LMFAOOOOOO drops

    Album upload with info. These people are psychotic middle aged weirdos.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:22 pm


    Girl eat some fk grass and yes I am Batman. I'm saying this as a threat bc you're a LIAR who needs to be humbled. Don’t you have common sense to understand this?

    You are a LIAR. Repeat after me L-I-A-R. You fib like it’s a job at this point. And Gosh, I have never in my life seen such disgusting accusations from a minor. Don't worry, I know you're bored. if you need someone to argue with, I'm always here idiot♡.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:36 pm

    Your album really shows proof that your accusations are false

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:36 pm

    Oh no boo hoo. My fee fees are so hurt. I will never come back to mangago again

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:40 pm

    You fell right into my trap. Thanks for exposing yourself

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:41 pm

    Comment got cut off*

    Not only are you a liar, you're a fake, a cyber sta|ker, a cyber bul|y, and a trol|. Damn, you're so ridiculousomfg

    Congratulations dear. Bravo!

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:43 pm

    You fell right into my trap. Thanks for exposing yourself. Not only are you a liaR, you're a fak€, a cyb€r sta|ker, a cyb€r bul|y, and a trol|. Damn, you're so ridiculousomfg

    Congratulations dear. Bravo!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:43 pm

    Oh no! The crazy mastermind manhwaspicy has defeated me with his trap card. What will I ever do?

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:43 pm

    You fell right into my trap. Thanks for exposing yourself. Not only are you a liaR, you're a fak€, a cyb€r sta|ker, a cyb€r bul|y, and a trol|. Damn, you're so ridiculousomfg

    Congratulations dear. Brav0!

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:45 pm

    Bye-bye if you're leaving though. Might throw a party at this point.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:45 pm

    You fell right into my trap. Thanks for exposing yourself. Not only are you a liaR, you're a fak€, a cyb€r sta|ker, a cyb€r bul|y, and a trol|. Damn, you're so ridiculousomfg

    Congratulations dear. Brav0!

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:46 pm

    You fell right into my tr^p. Thanks for exposing yourself. Not only are you a liaR, you're a fak€, a cyb€r sta|ker, a cyb€r bul|y, and a trol|. Damn, you're so ridiculousomfg

    Congratulations dear. Brav0!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:46 pm

    Lol you weirdos love pulling that "you can't hit me I have a shield" bs from primary school

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:46 pm

    Damn I was trying to send it but it kept malfunctioning

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:48 pm

    Okay enough with the old jokes, you can leave mangago now

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:51 pm

    You're too funny. Maybe you should change your name to Protector of Pedophiles & Lover of Rapists

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:01 pm

    Yhyh very funny haha. You're BORINGGG.

    One of the lamest jokes I've ever come across in my entire life.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:04 pm

    I thought you said you were leaving? What you still doing here?? Damn you're obsessed with me ewwww.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:05 pm

    Imagine not understanding sarcasm

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:08 pm

    Nah you def have to leave

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:09 pm

    No thanks

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:10 pm

    I don't have school today. I can keep you company all day long

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:10 pm


    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:13 pm

    It's even more ew when you defend your pedo friend.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:15 pm


    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:25 pm

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:29 pm


    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:30 pm

    My comment got cut off again. But damn, this is proof that you're a certified liar.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 10:32 pm
    girl im too lazy to respond to all of these people (circumstancial may not have been the right word ill admit it though) but WHY ARE THERE COMPLETELY UNRELATED ARGUMENTS AND DRAMA HERE LMFAOOOOOO drops

    I have not read everything it this topic. Baileybot is a cyberstalker.
    The cyber-stalkers started to impersonate my friends and I. There are 6 accounts I know off.
    A parody account started Feb 4. and stop.

    Then the 6 impersonating accounts started on Feb 7.

    I told them on March 1 to stop or we will report it in three topics.

    They changed tactics. They are trying to defame me by any means to force me and my friends off Mangago. All over a webtoon.

    They see themselves as victims but they have always been the harassers. They are the villains here.

    I have not emailed them. I have not harassed anyone.

    Cyberstalking, those who engage in this behavior use a variety of tactics and techniques to harass, humiliate, intimidate, and control their targets.

    I told Bailey to stop. They have not. They keep wanting to talk to us as they defame and insult us. It is just a cyber stalker who has targeted me and others.

    They found a way to try to talk to me and got mad I blocked them.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:32 pm

    An impersonator messaged you not the real user. You are part of this game and you've been revealed. You are the impersonator. You have alts.

    Fk Disgusting.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:35 pm
    I have not read everything it this topic. Baileybot is a cyberstalker. The cyber-stalkers started to impersonate my friends and I. There are 6 accounts I know off. A parody account started Feb 4. and stop. Th... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Thank you!

    I have a feeling BaileyBot is lying about being 14

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:42 pm

    Girl I didn't say I was 14. Hahahaha I'm 16 you dummy. The 14 year old was another user that they were attacking.

    Leave Meli out of this too. They're not involved. They were not the one who dm me. You're so gross for putting her into this and making up lies about what she said.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 10:47 pm
    An impersonator messaged you not the real user. You are part of this game and you've been revealed. You are the impersonator. You have alts. Fk Disgusting. Manhwaspicy

    Yes. this one seems to be the one beyond this one...

    This one is a hostile one. There have been a few that have been this hostile.

    TBH, Bailey could have been any of them. That does not change the fact that Baileybot is one of them and behind this fake drama to me and others off this page because they hate people who are different from them.

    They did not use Pedo. It was not their idea. Of course, the hive-mind did not think of it.
    They stole it from an alt that came in with their own agenda. Candy was after a group of pedos. Candy called them a pedo then they started to call me a pedo. They liked it so much that they did this stunt. They must be the real pedos.

    They are desperate to kick us off.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 10:50 pm

    I apologize. I mixed up my stalking information and flipped the age on you both. For me under 18 age matter, 14 is not the same as 16. I have the correct age under my stalking folder. Thank you. And Manhwaspicy is not my alt account. I do appear every time that user is in a pickle, but that's because I have savior's senses. I exist to protect users. And all the users I protect happen to be my friend.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:02 pm

    Now that you can't call the messages fake, you say that an impersonator dm me? You can lie all you want. I have gone to the page of the users who messaged me and it was Protector for JinxFans&JKstans and Aloha. You say me falling for an impersonator when I ask for help reporting inappropriate messages is proof that I am a co conspirator with impersonators but why didn't you also bring up this one where Aloha sneaks in with her alt?
    Is this also me being suspicious because I responded to her alt before blocking it? It's not my fault you have so many alts that I do not remember all the names. I blocked all the ones on your friends list after Aloha messaged me. But you can see that there are still some that snuck by me.

    I will mock pedos and their friends as much as I want. You're all gross.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:04 pm
    Thank you! I have a feeling BaileyBot is lying about being 14 Manhwaspicy

    I think the same.
    Their snapshot here
    I don't think she is 14 either.

    I gave a reason I did not want to talk to her and how hostile and violent she is.

    She came in talking about November when I was talking about the impersonating. She made this comment " Y'all have been ruining the comments since June of last year."

    But I did not know who she was at first she changed her name to Dolly.
    She knew me as Morning Diamonds and not Empowered Guardian. EG was a new name. She was talking about November and back to June?

    She knew who I was before she made that topic.

    And I told her. "Look at your hostility, cici. Look at you how you are treating me. Who is ruining the comments sections? My account was made in October.

    This has not stopped and you must know what is going on because my name was different back then too. You should not know who I am. Whoops.

    I would never replied if I knew who you were. I don't talk to 14-year-olds on pages like this. You had no reason to make a topic. I told to you to leave me alone since you are hostile, blocked and 14-years-old. bye"

    If she never gave an age. I will still be avoiding her. She is hostile and violent.

    ALSO, She is harassing me. We want nothing to do with her. We don't harass people either. So Bailey is making things up to defame me.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:07 pm

    Eww not you purposely outting a minor again so your friends can attack her even more. I made sure not to link that thread for reason, you sicko.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:07 pm

    Damn, you are actually so disgusting. You impersonator!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:08 pm

    Candy stripes was an alt of Morning diamond's who he used to 1) Blindly call everyone a pedophile, or just saying pedophile for the sake of mentioning it and 2) Spent hours defending him and his other alts Assertive Tigritude and TM SM while being a less than 24 hours old account. A pedophile defending you means you're a pedophile. You dug your own hole with Candy and with Aloha with Levi's impersonation. You are still butthurt to this day for being called out as the stalker lounging on the mangago comsec

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:09 pm


    At this point, you just need to stfu

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:10 pm
    Candy stripes was an alt of Morning diamond's who he used to 1) Blindly call everyone a pedophile, or just saying pedophile for the sake of mentioning it and 2) Spent hours defending him and his other alts Asse... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    You are one of the impersonators? Hahahaha I thought Protector changed his pfp because he didn't want to be associated with my album

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:19 pm
    You are one of the impersonators? Hahahaha I thought Protector changed his pfp because he didn't want to be associated with my album BaileyBot

    He hates me the most for starting the February's troll. Otherwise he keeps in his stalking journal all the real accounts' usernames he is scared of who shur him down with logic. You're the newest addition

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:22 pm
    He hates me the most for starting the February's troll. Otherwise he keeps in his stalking journal all the real accounts' usernames he is scared of who shur him down with logic. You're the newest addition Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Hahahaha! Do we get badges for getting into the stalking journal? I hope he adds my greatest hits to his album too

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:24 pm
    Thank you! I have a feeling BaileyBot is lying about being 14 Manhwaspicy

    Manhwaspicy you wrote the message above. Saying thank you. You are welcomed.

    Next is BaileyBot.
    Then me.
    Then My fan, my cyber stalker, the one that impersonating my new account.
    Back to BaileyBot
    Back to then me

    UGH! They made a second comment. They are on the same broken record. I have have two accounts.
    Candy, aloha, and whoever is not me. They think it is funny I correct their lies. They think it is engaging with them. When i have not talked to them

    Candy said
    I know a group of pedophiles. they go after "pedophiles" They are pedophiles and attacking others for it. That's how they don't look suspicious.
    you have many trolls against MD and friends. You are making them to be one person. That is fucking disgusting. You are using numbers to make them few intimidate for your weaknesses. You are desperate for validation. You lack creativity.

    They are using the same things they have used since July... They really do lack creativity.

    I am all the mangago users! OMG! I am everyone. They can't troll right? They should be embarrassed by themselves. Their lies is not logic and I feel sorry for all of them. I pity them. They do not affect me. If I hate them or was angry at them I will be replying differently. They are sad and cowardly people who have been defeated.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:25 pm

    The way you're exposing him for being a pedophile which he tried so hard not to act on is putting him in a rage fit. He even busted out his precious ManhwaSpicy account that he tried to play off as a different user. Watch him create new topics with that instead of his main alts

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:26 pm

    You're definitely living in his head for outing him when he's so helpless bahahha

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:27 pm
    @BaileyBot At this point, you just need to stfu Manhwaspicy

    let them go. We told them in February to stop. I told them March 3. They are showing they are cyber stalkers and the harassers.
    I told Bailey when she lied.

    They are just adding more evidence. I will report this and they have not understood that.

    I mean to the IC3

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:28 pm
    The way you're exposing him for being a pedophile which he tried so hard not to act on is putting him in a rage fit. He even busted out his precious ManhwaSpicy account that he tried to play off as a different ... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Oh shit he did. You read him like a book

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:30 pm
    @BaileyBot At this point, you just need to stfu Manhwaspicy

    Let them go.
    I told the cyber stalkers to stop meaning times.
    I told Bailey to stop.
    They are only showing who are the gaslighting harassers. They are making adding to the evidence.

    We have told them we will report this... They never understand that. I C 3 .

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:30 pm

    To the impersonator.

    Continue this game you're playing. People will know

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:30 pm
    let them go. We told them in February to stop. I told them March 3. They are showing they are cyber stalkers and the harassers. I told Bailey when she lied. They are just adding more evidence. I will report thi... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Hey it did post. Mangago glitch

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:31 pm
    Oh shit he did. You read him like a book BaileyBot

    He is keeping count of all the exact dates and links to topics where him and his alts are defending each other. Talk about stalker He was the one who reminded me which beautiful day I decided to start trolling him, a lovely 12th February The way he IMMEDIATELY started spamming the whole comsec because of this was so behold. Hilarious asf and the dumbass keeps on feeding me

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:35 pm
    Let them go. I told the cyber stalkers to stop meaning times. I told Bailey to stop. They are only showing who are the gaslighting harassers. They are making adding to the evidence.We have told them we will rep... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Do you think their jobless ass is ever gonna stop? It's really funny how obsessive they can be.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:35 pm
    He is keeping count of all the exact dates and links to topics where him and his alts are defending each other. Talk about stalker He was the one who reminded me which beautiful day I decided to start trolling... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    He's obsessed. Omg. Maybe he's a masochist? He does like JK a lot hahaha! Maybe he wishes he was Dan.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:35 pm

    Oh no I shouldn't call out on his stalkish behavior, he'll stop showing how much he's keeping track of everything like some loser bahahah

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:38 pm
    He's obsessed. Omg. Maybe he's a masochist? He does like JK a lot hahaha! Maybe he wishes he was Dan. BaileyBot

    Oh maybe? He did say Dan was the rapist in the story for ''taking advantage of drunk Jaekyung'' and he says whoever judges are only talking about themselves, while also accusing people of being a rapist and pedophile. You might be onto something, I just think he wish Jaekyung was a little boy so it'll fit his preferential criteria

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 11:39 pm
    Oh maybe? He did say Dan was the rapist in the story for ''taking advantage of drunk Jaekyung'' and he says whoever judges are only talking about themselves, while also accusing people of being a rapist and ped... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Ewww I gagged. Pedos are so fucking gross

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:40 pm

    All readers under 18 beware when Jaekyung's backstory will start His pedophilic urges will be at a PEAK

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 11:58 pm
    Do you think their jobless ass is ever gonna stop? It's really funny how obsessive they can be. Manhwaspicy

    No. It is also pathetic.

    The are not trolling. Trolls will not put this much effort into this. They are pathetic because they think that explaining what happened, addressing their behaviors, and warning others is a reaction and feeding them. I have not made many comments in the last month. They are the ones spamming the walls.
    Cyberstalkers use manipulation to feed their obsession. Stalkers are looking for a reaction. I have not given them much. Cyberstalkers are people who just won't leave you alone Trolls would.

    I have ended all contact with all the cyberstalkers. They used Bailey because it is my attention they want. That is why I blocked Bailey so fast. And then Bailey got mad and pulled this stunt. So I would engage with them. I don't have to take their pettiness or give them my attention. They can only insult and defame others.
    My last comment was on the fourth page here.
    I think this is my last comment here. They can keep split nonsense in the void showing they are the real problem here. They are the harassers and the cyberstalkers.
    They need to get a job or a hobby. IF they want my attention stop degrading me and attacking me. Stop the gaslighting. They can leave me alone because I will report this. This is an illegal site it does not mean you can do anything. This is wrong and not acceptable.

    BaileyBot March 5, 2024 12:04 am
    All readers under 18 beware when Jaekyung's backstory will start His pedophilic urges will be at a PEAK Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Ewww stay safe everyone :vomit:

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 12:09 am

    Yet again he gives me the reaction I want, wasting his time on a long para How many times will he say the same stuff, I swead I heard that at least 10 times. He's trying to convince himself atp bahahah he's BEEN engaging with his main AND his alts Im dead

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 12:11 am

    Im sorry his usernames become more and more hideous everytime Like all his mangago identities revolve around me and since he's on mangago *literally* all day long, his life revolves around me Trolling made easy

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 9:15 pm
    Im sorry his usernames become more and more hideous everytime Like all his mangago identities revolve around me and since he's on mangago *literally* all day long, his life revolves around me Trolling made ea... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    bro he thinks bailey is us LOLOL

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 9:18 pm
    bro he thinks bailey is us LOLOL TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    She's a victim of attempt grooming from that predator lmaoo

    Aloha March 5, 2024 11:25 pm
    No. It is also pathetic. The are not trolling. Trolls will not put this much effort into this. They are pathetic because they think that explaining what happened, addressing their behaviors, and warning others ... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Anyone can see...
    She is the offender. You are her victim. You are the cyberstalkers' victim.

    You are Baileybot's victim.
    You are the victim here.
    You are their target.
    You are their prey.

    They are the aggressors.
    They are the offenders.
    They are the cyberstalkers.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 11:28 pm


    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 11:28 pm

    he wanted PICTURES

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 11:28 pm

    above is troll. he asked a 13 year old for pics in DMs

    Aloha March 5, 2024 11:54 pm

    Above a offender who is impersonating TMSM is going after their targets with lies. Their friend, another impersonator, was the one that emailed. They are setting up the real one. It is a fabrication.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 12:11 am

    Aloha is morning diamonds who is tmsmyz who is the current cringe worthy title of ''protector of jinx''. He talks exactly like BelovedRose who also defended each other i.e. all his alts. He created BelovedRose to be a fake rape victim to garner legitimacy points but got immediately and embarrassingly exposed. He will talk like this.

    Protectorofjinx is MD.
    Aloha is MD.
    BelovedRose is MD.
    TMSM is MD.

    Aloha March 6, 2024 12:22 am

    I don't remember being all those people. I don't believe the failure cyberstalker.
    They have to lie about Rose. They never been embarrassingly exposed. The failures wished. LMAO. I’m busy and I don’t have time for the failures (cyberstalkers) right now. I don't believe a word they say. That one lied because they lost control over their targets. LMAO LMAO giggity.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 12:33 am
    I don't remember being all those people. I don't believe the failure cyberstalker. They have to lie about Rose. They never been embarrassingly exposed. The failures wished. LMAO. I’m busy and I don’t have t... Aloha

    I don't remember being all of those people either. lol.
    And I don't remember that happening. lol.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 12:57 am

    bro learnt how to use LMAO

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 1:01 am
    bro learnt how to use LMAO TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    He uses it on his alt Manhwaspicy while keeping all his 14 other alts ''AI text like" (his words) He's so goofy without the charming part. So silly and cringe

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 2:41 am

    Giggity? That's so cringe. Almost as bad as your pedo friend's name

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 1:11 pm
    He uses it on his alt Manhwaspicy while keeping all his 14 other alts ''AI text like" (his words) He's so goofy without the charming part. So silly and cringe Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    WAIT is Manhwaspicy his alt???? i thought that it was some poor girl that got indoctrinated into the Empowered Guardian lifestyle

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 1:38 pm

    Y'all impersonators are mentally deranged. You don't need help anymore, you just need to disappear. Anyway, continue showing the world how psychotic you can be. You'll always be weak in our eyes.

    I'm quite impressed with how far a cyberbully can go. Bravo!

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 3:49 pm
    Y'all impersonators are mentally deranged. You don't need help anymore, you just need to disappear. Anyway, continue showing the world how psychotic you can be. You'll always be weak in our eyes. I'm quite impr... Manhwaspicy

    Thank you for noticing. We must setup you and your friends UP because we can't handle what is being said. I lied I setup the real one. I lied about you. I can't handle more than one person so I have to make 10 or more people all one person. Candy Stripes give me this idea about the pedo. We loved it, we run with it but it does not fit here. We wanted to torture our victims. We are making it look like he is the bully and is not the victim. He does not go looking for fights but he stands up when we take it to him. We want to blame our actions on you guys. We can't take responsibility for our actions or know you are saying something different from how we are claiming. The real Protector is the victim here. We are causing a harmful situation with our victims, Yall. Yall are not the perpetrators.

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 3:54 pm
    WAIT is Manhwaspicy his alt???? i thought that it was some poor girl that got indoctrinated into the Empowered Guardian lifestyle TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    The one you are commenting to is the one that is a pedo. That one email me for pictures, remember? We set up the real one. ::vomit::

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 4:48 pm
    WAIT is Manhwaspicy his alt???? i thought that it was some poor girl that got indoctrinated into the Empowered Guardian lifestyle TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans


    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 5:24 pm

    Wowwwww another account created??? WONDERFULL

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 5:25 pm


    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 5:28 pm
    Y’all are crazy psychos BAHAAAHHAA I CANT WITH THESE IDIOTS LMAO Manhwaspicy

    They keep showing that. LMAO

    They keep deflecting.

    I am not the real MD.

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 5:35 pm

    What does Lmao have to do with anything?? The point is y'all are mentally deranged. You need a break from those fingers. I bet y'all are gonna make another account today OMFG

    C’mon, lemme see how far you can go with cyberbullying fk cow. Get a job!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 5:40 pm
    What does Lmao have to do with anything?? The point is y'all are mentally deranged. You need a break from those fingers. I bet y'all are gonna make another account today OMFG C’mon, lemme see how far you can ... Manhwaspicy

    That one was agreeing with you. That one is a different one. Who ever is behind that account is defending us. I don't add them when I talk about cyberstalkers.

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 5:46 pm
    That one was agreeing with you. That one is a different one. Who ever is behind that account is defending us. I don't add them when I talk about cyberstalkers. Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Ohh? I'm getting confused with these accounts.

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 5:48 pm
    They keep showing that. LMAOThey keep deflecting. I am not the real MD. Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I didn't mean to say that to you, I thought you were part of them.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 5:49 pm

    this is so sad i rlly thought Manhwaspicy was someone else but now its sad seeing him interact w himself

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 5:53 pm
    this is so sad i rlly thought Manhwaspicy was someone else but now its sad seeing him interact w himself TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    He'll start complimenting himself again soon as he used to. He's been too stressed to even think about ghe daily self compliments from anothee alt

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:07 pm

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:08 pm

    you all are cracking me up Tfff??? Okay so now you assume I have different accounts?? Ngl that's really weak of you. You're just making anything up to save your psychotic self. Y'all are so fk embarrassing, I mean, take a good look at yourself. Your parents must be so fk proud.

    I bet you're gonna make another acc impersonating meBUNCH OF JOKERS. You have no shame!

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:10 pm

    btw Mahwaspicy it must be rlly hard supporting someone who makes 10 alt accounts isnt it. Youre the only one who's fallen into his trap. I hope you open your eyes and see NO ONE is agreeing with him.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:12 pm

    also ur like 12 and MD's little sidekick so i dont care enough to impersonate you,,

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:19 pm
    Ohh? I'm getting confused with these accounts. Manhwaspicy

    That is why so many want nothing to do with this. They just want it to stop. That means the cyberstalkers stopping and leaving us alone.

    We are not alone. Many share the same ideas. Most of the real fandom does.

    They are still trying to alienate their targets by spreading false information, harassing them online, and trying to isolate them. They are trying to manipulate the situation trying to make us feel alone when what we are saying is the majority's pov. We are not alone.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:21 pm
    also ur like 12 and MD's little sidekick so i dont care enough to impersonate you,, TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans


    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:23 pm

    To the impersonator:

    I think you need to open your eyes and see that the real losing side is YOU. Continue deluding yourselves that people are believing your shitty lies. You are so fk weak. Disgusting.

    Grow tf up! It's 2024 you cow!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:23 pm

    He feels all that: he feels isolated, harrassed and alone

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:24 pm

    guys i promise i do not feel weak and/or disgusting this is just fun

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:24 pm

    Feed me more of your mental energy and time

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 6:26 pm

    The pedo is deluded. He thinks the real one feels isolated, harassed, and alone. He deflected again. MD was pointing out what the fake pedo deluded impersonators trying to are do.

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 6:27 pm
    That is why so many want nothing to do with this. They just want it to stop. That means the cyberstalkers stopping and leaving us alone. We are not alone. Many share the same ideas. Most of the real fandom does... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    You said "We are not alone" You know you are not isolated either. You know what is what they are trying to do. They deflected. You can feel harassed. You are being harassed.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:28 pm

    But,, MD didn't point that out... Protector did...

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:29 pm

    To the impersonator:

    Impersonate me or not. You need to admit that this whole game is getting fk BORING. How are you guys not bored yet? Oohh obsession at its finest…Ooh, Psychotism at its finest. Congrats babes, you'll def win an award for best cyberbully of the year!

    I'll personally present it to you.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:30 pm

    Bahahhahh so you're telling me you're harrassing me? You never think your words through dont you MD?

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:31 pm

    And continue thinking it's just for fun. You and I both know you're so dead inside.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:31 pm

    Confirmed rape apologist, predator pedophile, rapist, troll, stalker, liar (lies more to himself than anything) AND harrasser? MD's catching them all like pokemons

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:32 pm
    Bahahhahh so you're telling me you're harrassing me? You never think your words through dont you MD? Protector for JinxFans&JKstans


    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 6:32 pm
    But,, MD didn't point that out... Protector did... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Why do you keep calling him MD? I copied the comment from your pedo buddy calling him MD.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:33 pm

    Oh yes yummy more of your time spicy Feed the self proclaimed and fruitful troll

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 6:34 pm

    @manwhaspicy ur mom is telling u its your bedtime, dont keep staying up talking to the big kids okay

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:40 pm

    Mehnn you're so fk boring wtf

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:43 pm

    I'm starting to think y'all want me sexually. Aren't you a pedo if you claim that I'm a kid? Oh no, they exposed their pedo self! Bravo!

    I'm still waiting for my impersonated account by the way.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 7, 2024 8:33 pm

    TM Manhwaspicy was not only begging for our attention and an alt, but he also wants us Keep your desperate pleas to a minimum it's embarrassing! Actually no keep begging us

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 8:51 pm has the desperate pleas.

    "OH MD where are you? MD? MD?
    Fine! you are MD. And you are MD. And you and you. And no not Mahwaspicy. That is not MD but I say she is MD because I am desperately wanting MD's attention. I know Mahwaspicy is not because I will not clone her. I am embarrassing myself for making everyone MD and making multiple accounts just ONE person. I am begging for MD. MD where are you? My "troll" failed because I am not a troll and MD is not talking to me."

    Manhwaspicy March 8, 2024 6:56 am

    Is this another way to excuse pedophilia?

    Anyway, I admit it, I wanna see how far cyberbullies can go. I'm really curious so I'm sticking around but you guys are weak and I'm tryna rile you up but you keep thinking I'm begging which is sad asf.

    I wanna see you embarrass yourself

    BaileyBot March 8, 2024 8:40 am
    Is this another way to excuse pedophilia?Anyway, I admit it, I wanna see how far cyberbullies can go. I'm really curious so I'm sticking around but you guys are weak and I'm tryna rile you up but you keep think... Manhwaspicy

    Weak and boring. They think this is entertainment. Washing the floor with a toothbrush will be more fun. At least the floor changes and has challenges.
    I created this March 5, 2024. Now it is March 8, 2024
    -Everyone is MD.
    -Using the same tactics.
    -Using that lie that has been exposed as if it proves everything.
    -Calling people pedo where it does not fit
    -Calling people rape apologists where it does not fit.
    - They delude themselves by thinking they are trolls
    -they delude themselves by thinking they are successful and getting rises
    -harassing others
    -spamming the walls.

    It is the same circular argument. It was never funny or show they are funny. it should how lame and weak they are.
    MD and Tm are ignoring them. They are obsessed with TM and MD. They are obsessed with users not here anymore.

    Manhwaspicy March 8, 2024 11:12 am
    Weak and boring. They think this is entertainment. Washing the floor with a toothbrush will be more fun. At least the floor changes and has challenges. I created this March 5, 2024. Now it is March 8, 2024-Ever... BaileyBot

    “Washing the floor with a toothbrush will be more fun. At least the floor changes and has challenges.”
    HELPP this has me cracking up so bad. My tummy hurts HAHA

    I'm actually starting to feel bad for them. The embarrassment is a lot.

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