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annehime want to do ( All 1 )

made true friends

annehime's experience ( All 0 )

annehime's answer ( All 4 )

about penpals
annehime 12 01,2020
Add me too! id=Raine0423   reply
12 01,2020
Sadly, yes. I didn't know my best friend was "in love" with me and told people about it.. then spread rumors that something was going on with us. Years later, finally confessed to my face after doing something major... Doesn't matter if we're same sex, but to make up stories about us? Just no. We never saw each other again. I'm a loyal friend and......   reply
10 08,2018
about penpals
annehime 06 04,2018
Ooooh! Add me too!!   2 reply
06 04,2018
I guess, before I fear growing old.. COCKROACHES, and insects!! Now I'm not too sure, failing, being destitute.. dying with unrealized dreams.. oh my gosh. COCKROACHES and Rats.   reply
23 06,2017

annehime's question ( All 0 )