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A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about cosplay
I just dropped one of my friends of 9 years. It was a long journey of her not being that good of a friend and me giving her the benefit of the doubt. She was constantly avoiding me and ignoring me, even when I was talking directly to her. But then every once in a blue moon she would be positive and hangout with me and be acting like we’ll be best......
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
That’s why Dungeon Meshi is so refreshing to me, like theres Marcille who’s the only girl in the party and she’s just a funny character. No weird baity fan-service stuff. And she’s strong too, in the same level with the other characters
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
The villain is a mob boss sorcerer that turns people into mushrooms for his booming quiche restaurant business. Need I say more?
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
Bojack Horseman’s first few episodes are kinda rough, but it gets so much more interesting as it goes on. I think the final season has some of the most creative and thoughtful writing in episodes like “Free Churro” and “Good Damage.”
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about cosplay
Could totally see this being an award winning animated movie
A_very_bored_Humanoid asked question about question

The bpd is bpding and I can’t stop thinking about killing myself. I need a distraction or advice or something.

A_very_bored_Humanoid asked a question

Maybe with a little bit of spice in them

A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about eat ass
People can be a fans of dark and twisted love stories and have absolutely no desire for something like that in real life. Like I’m not gonna start romanticizing real murderers just because I found a fictional one kinda hot. Like wtffffff

169 people did   /   11 want to do

I don’t want to be right now, I want him back. But that won’t happen so I have to want to be single

A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about being single
Super slow walkers that take up the whole hallway bc for some reason they all gotta walk in a giant row. They’ll have no spacial awareness at the fact there’s a whole parade crowd of people behind them wanting to get past. And if there’s someone coming down the hall in the opposite direction they still won’t move an inch, and that person ha......
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about can't sleep
I’m a girl so I literally don’t shit ever ;^;
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
Bi girl here, I get emotional over every break up, but I would be lying if I said wlw breakups didn’t hit harder. For me I think it’s so hard losing the sex life aspect of wlw relationships, like I always felt more equal and less objectified when I was with women, also safer ngl. Then after the breakup you feel like you’ll never find someone ......
A_very_bored_Humanoid asked question about can't sleep

Just got out of the worst breakup ever. I need some yuri recommendations to survive, something really steamy. Maybe involving a androgynous dom, but I’m flexible.

A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
The Only Thing by Sufjan Stevens
A_very_bored_Humanoid answered question about question
When you start out a story and you’re given an established continuity of a character’s life, surroundings, relationship dynamics, and situation. But then the continuity slowly starts to become twisted and have plot holes as we establish that the world we are seeing through the characters eyes is a delusion. Sometimes it’s a hard division of t......

those type of stories u love and leave u wanting for more chaps

08 01,2024

This manga convinced that reading with multi pages off makes a lot of the flirty moments hit different in a good way.