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Kay's topics ( All 12 )

Kay June 19, 2024 7:40 am

It’s seems to be a good story at its core, unfortunately I think a lot of people are getting confused as a result of the numerous spelling mistakes and typos in almost every panel. It is a shame when good stories are ruined by lazy/inept translation, but I guess it could be an even bigger shame if there were no translation at all.

    satohru June 20, 2024 8:07 pm

    there were just a few chaps that were uploaded in the wrong order so i just read on a diff website and it made sense its not rlly bad translations.. or at least in the recent ones

Kay March 29, 2024 9:06 am

What’s more frustrating than reading a bad webtoon? Reading a good webtoon only to find a whole chapter isn’t even translated. Chapter 14 is untranslated and I was unable to find it translated anywhere else, tbh I wouldn’t have started reading had I known.
I went to the scanlation site (like manga) like is written in previous posts to try to find chapter 14, that’s a waste of time - you don’t get a translation and your attacked with ads and pop ups. It’s almost like likemanga purposely did this and said to go to their site to get the translation so they could get more site visitors and their not fixing the problem only so no one else can then fix it. Now I know to be wary of, and avoid this site - it explains why helvetica kept replying so conscientiously to every chap 14 complaint with an overall vagueness, but there is no reply from those who posted the comment. So I then tried kaiscans, the original uploaders before likemanga, only to get a bad gateway notice. And I’m not planning to keep checking which is likely counted upon if my suspicions are correct - hense the vagueness in scanlation when likemanga doesn’t work claim you didn’t mean that one, knowing full well kaiscans won’t work, but still get the visits to your site nonetheless.
Of course this is all just my suspicions based on the evidence, the fact that I hate manipulation and the fact that I’m majorly pissed off.

Kay's questions ( All 12 )

Kay August 29, 2023 2:43 pm

Please stop signing me out so often. I understand why you do it, but in the past I’ve been signed out of MangaGo several times in one hour. Im disabled, and due to my disabilities i am often bed bound. When that happens i read manga - so essentially my iPad never really leaves the MangaGo website - and its very annoying when I’m in the middle of reading and MangaGo signs me out. Also, because of my disability, i use a controller (keypad) to scroll up and down while my ipad is not as easily accessed. But my controller doesn't work for signing in and out so its a huge hassle to sign back in and an even bigger hassle to write this - but it has just gotten that annoying.
But seen as how im on the topic, i would love if MangaGo decided to include more accessible features for people such as myself, such as automatic scrolling for example.

    3Fv*XcYVpGS9Wg May 12, 2024 9:53 pm

    "I understand why you do it"

    Can you please tell why they do it?

Kay July 14, 2021 2:50 pm

Now i know we’re all thankful to the translators & uploaders. I’m disabled & sometimes have to spend all my time in bed, so i’m super thankful. But what the hell is with the onslaught of memes & the meme recounts of the uploaders experiences while reading. It’s gotten to annoy me enough that i now feel compelled to share my thoughts on the memes & they have less to do with sense of humour, & more to do with over saturation.
If a meme is truely funny you only need one, the humour is more strongly felt by the reader & the reader is less likely to skip reading it. Adding so many extra, to me, makes it look like your not fully confident the humour of your memes so your just adding as many as u can hoping one will amuse the reader, but instead what happens is none of them get read because the reader found out last chapter that they were kinda stupid & doesn’t wanna waste time reading ten stupid memes for the possibility of maybe one good one.
Then there’s those that re-use the same memes a lot, they can get super annoying after seeing the same unfunny side glance for the hundredth time.
then there are those “me when i read this” accompanied by a picture of someone or thing doing a side glance, crying, etc. While i’ll probably never fully understand the narcissism of needing to give a play by play of how you felt while reading every chapter & thinking that everyone else wants to know. Even when you actually have amusing input it’s given at the end of the chapter & sometimes i’m like “oh yeah, i kinda felt that way back then” but i’m already past it. or i think “did that happen? i think i remember reading that near the start maybe?”. If u need to share it’s better in the translation notes, plus it’s shorter, & to the point. I have yet to see a personal reaction meme that i have found funny, but i have read some personal reaction translator notes that have made me laugh.
In saying that, a few of the memes are really funny, it’s just a huge shame that they are lost in a huge sea of ‘meh’

    ♧レアっょ、emiya July 14, 2021 3:41 pm

    Interesting! I’ve never really minded these memes, as I found most of them funny. I remember, there was this one manga where the sidenotes (translator notes on the side of the page, ifykyk) and they were just being plain rude. Everybody complained about it in the comments as well. I think it stopped? Not sure though. Otherwise, I get what you are saying.

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The pic is my assistance (service) dog when she was a puppy, Ivy & my cat Harley (aka Poison Ivy & Harley-Quinn)
I’m quite physically disabled & have autism, so I can read through A LOT of Manga in one week. However, because of my various health issues keeping adequate records of them can sometimes be hard, but I’m trying. And, because of the autism, I like when records are kept as comprehensive as possible - hence the number of lists & the detail.

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