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Ancestor Xián Yú Yù Tou's experience ( All 2 )

You have a problem with it? What's wrong with singing "I wanna be a girl/Onnanoko ni naritai" or "Changing to your colors/Kimiro Iro Utsuri" in the shower? even though I can't hit the notes.   reply
09 10,2020
They know bout it, in fact: Dad personally likes Sports or any action anime Haikyuu, Black clover, Shokugeki, Kuroko no basuke, Slam dunk, Keniichi the strongest disciple etc. Mom likes interesting ones like Shokugeki, Haikyuu, Black clover etc. especially ones with magic Aunt just goes with the flow Me I love all genres :3 my Cousins like Romanc......   reply
14 09,2020

Ancestor Xián Yú Yù Tou's answer ( All 319 )

Listen man. I would defend these idiots with my LIFE. They did what they had to in order to survive! (has way too many counts of murder, assault, battery, terrorism, death threats, genocide, infrastructure damage, identity theft, fraud, impersonation, etc. etc. BUT THEY HAD THEIR REASONS!)   4 reply
26 days
lmao It really depends on the person I'm interactin' with though. I'm a mildly infuriatin' menace to some people and an absolute childish mf with best friends. Insultin' you (playfully) is my love language but me being polite to you means I either don't like you enough to be goofy around you or we're total fuckin' strangers LMAO   reply
22 04,2024
Everyone has different opinions, I try to respect that. For me as long as it's entertaining, I'll try it. No matter how shitty the ratings. if it's okay, I'll continue. if it's not okay, I'll always try and save my judgement and wait until it gets better in later chaps, if it doesn't get better I'll probably drop it. But sometimes rarely I'll ......   reply
16 07,2021
I like all those types, especially cone since it's EDIBLE. MORE FOOD FOR ME.   reply
15 07,2021
I'm not sure- Scratch that I had a crush on EVERY HOT PERSON IN ANIME. ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH WHITE HAIR. Except Hisoka, I admit Hisoka is good looking but he weirded me out.   reply
15 07,2021

Ancestor Xián Yú Yù Tou's question ( All 71 )

about question


"I'm cold."

Tim looked over at his boyfriend who was curled up next to him on his bed watching Harry Potter and rolled his eyes.

"You have me and three blankets keeping you warm, I think you're fine," Tim mumbled, leaning into Cyrus.

"But Teeee," Cyrus whined, "I want one of your hoodies. Pleaseee."

"But that would require me to get up," Tim groaned, "and I'm much too comfortable lying here with you."

Cyrus turned and looked up at him with those puppy eyes Tim could never resist.

"You're going to keep pestering me until I get you a hoodie, aren't you?" Tim already knew the answer.

"Mhmm," Cyrus hummed.

"Alright, fine," Tim gave in, "but you owe me."

He pushed himself off of his bed and went to his closet to retrieve his light blue hoodie, Cyrus's favourite.

He threw it across the room and Cyrus caught it, slipping it on immediately.

Tim walked back over to his bed and looked down at his boyfriend with an amused expression on his face.

"Whaaat?" Cyrus asked, noticing Tim.

"Nothing," Tim said, collapsing back down, "you just look really cute in that. You remind me of a puppy."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Cyrus smiled and snuggled back into Tim's chest.

"Your hoodies always smell so good," he mumbled, "they smell like you. That's why I like them so much."

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Tim kissed Cyrus on the cheek, not being able to resist.

Cyrus lightly smacked Tim indignantly.

"Excuse me," he said, "I've said other things. Lots of them!"

"Mhmm like what?" Tim asked innocently, not being able to hide his smile.

"Like you're my favourite person and I love spending time with you more than anything," Cyrus said as a matter of factly.

It’s already been three months of them dating, and Cyrus still manages to make Tim blush.

"Is that true?" he asked.

"Of course," Cyrus answered, looking up at Tim, "these days with you are my favourite."

"Mine, too," Tim said quietly.

Cyrus looked up at his boyfriend, smiling. He couldn't resist; he grabbed Tim's shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

"Yeah," Tim mumbled against Cyrus's lips, "definitely my favourite."

"I hope you realize you're never getting this hoodie back," Cyrus said as he settled back down and curled up against Tim.

"I've accepted that," Tim said, "it's a price I'm willing to pay to be your boyfriend and keep you happy."

Cyrus looked up at Tim and grinned. How did he get so lucky?
21 06,2021
about question
"You will never be good enough for everybody, But you will always be good enough for someone who really appreciates you."

It is fruitless to worry about what others think of us. We learn we cannot please everyone and it is what we think about ourselves, who we are, what we do and believe in that really matters; - as at the end of the day “we have to live with ourselves”. We create our own happiness and inner peace. Others cannot offer it, just enhance happiness through sharing life with us, warding off loneliness.

I found people who appreciate me for being myself :> and I realized why should I care about the people who aren't involved with my life? As long as they don't negatively affect me, They can do what they want.
11 06,2021

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