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phoenixwing67's experience ( All 0 )

phoenixwing67's answer ( All 2 )

It's been so long since my very first yaoi, so I can't recall the title. But one of the firsts that I can remember was Hyper Love Power. I think the bright colors on the cover are what attracted me at the time. I like to think my tastes are more refined now.   3 reply
11 days
I started by accident, probably back in 2006-ish. I read manga via another not-so-legal sight (which no longer exists), and there was a function that you could click to randomly pull up a manga that had been uploaded (this was back in the day when people would photocopy the actual manga and post those online). I repeatedly clicked the randomize but......   reply
11 days

phoenixwing67's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did made a discord server


5 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

10 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

11 hours