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IShouldProbBeDoingHw May 5, 2020 9:32 pm

Ok I’m reading given rn and this is my view on the most recent chapter; The mere fact that ue thought of the idea of basically embodying mafuyus ex in his song is amazing, it’s basically him showing that he wants to(or even does but that might be a stretch) know mafuyus ex and his life and not just him THROUGH mafuyu which makes it seem as if he wants to know EVERY. THING. about mafuyu both through him and NOT through him (if this makes any sense but basically, I love the fact that ue loves mafuyu as well as wants to know all of mafuyus experiences and lives that were connected to him, I’m crying rn)

IShouldProbBeDoingHw April 21, 2020 6:13 pm

