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People like Death Note also like (272)


Tybha June 30, 2024 1:06 pm

I wanna get freaky with him

zee June 17, 2024 6:46 pm

since it's been so long i would like to confess i liked light more than L

austyn June 18, 2024 8:08 am

I cried for 3 days after light died

Kai June 11, 2024 7:57 am

If you like Death note you will really like( Monster )you can watch the anime as well on N*tflix in Japanese or Watch it free in English on YouT*be You will not be disappointed also Code Geass is good as well

Some idiot online April 11, 2024 4:14 am

Tbh I liked Near in a way, I'm planning to read this manga soon enough since I've seen the art style and holy moly does it looks so good

Pookie April 6, 2024 3:45 pm

The artstyle is so peak

Acerics March 1, 2024 9:10 pm

I have a huge crush on L... he is so hot for his intelligence and super cognitive abilities

Gold Mine November 20, 2023 8:07 am

Near is such a washed up version of L man. He's so much more juvenile and careless than L. So many of the conclusions he makes are too convenient and lacking reasoning behind them, it's like he pulled them out of his ass. Death Note was truly god tier all throughout before L's death, but after that it just kinda downgraded :/

•2d_boys_wifey• >.< July 8, 2021 12:39 am

Some part of me really wants L to finish light instead of near. L is a lot smarter than light cause light has the advantage of supernatural that's why he won and killed L with his subordinate (Idrk but i remember that light asked for help to another shinigami to kill L)

Anonymous June 10, 2021 7:44 pm

The ending was pure disappointment.
Reasons why:

-Mello suddenly deciding to do something that could benefit Near

-Mikami suddenly acting like a huge retard.

-So you want to tell me that this super smart lawyer who's up there on the levels of Light and L placed the most important tool, literally in his view God's holy tool inside a shitty bank with low security who also has no security cameras, because for some reason Giovanni can just steal the notebook as he pleases.

-Light screaming like a huge retard while writing Nears name down. Let's be honest the Light as we knew him would've just pretend crying while silently writing all their names down.

-Probably the reason why I also loath this ending;

Near. This abhorrent poorly written "xd im so smart lel" arrogant piece of shit copy of L who achieved nothing besides making snarky comments and sitting on his lazy ass, while feeling cool playing with toys that were made for 8 year old children.

His whole character is a mistake. He contributed nothing. Absolutely nothing. And the fact that he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter and still manages to almost lose like the retarded wannabe he is, makes me cringe all the time.

kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) February 14, 2024 6:07 am

Woah woah you used the R slur so many times….Also I really think you need to rethink this.

una ☆ May 31, 2021 11:43 am

honestly i never sympathized with light lol idgaf. near supremacy tho yall hate him cuz he's an icon

Seren June 15, 2021 6:35 am

Near can eat someone’s infected a$$hole

una June 15, 2021 12:53 pm
Near can eat someone’s infected a$$hole Seren

cry about it light apologist, he's dead

una June 15, 2021 12:54 pm
Near can eat someone’s infected a$$hole Seren

also do the world a favor and kill yourself nasty fujo

Seren June 19, 2021 5:02 am
also do the world a favor and kill yourself nasty fujo una


Seren June 19, 2021 5:02 am
cry about it light apologist, he's dead una

nate July 7, 2021 1:40 am
also do the world a favor and kill yourself nasty fujo una

telling someone to kill themselves isn’t very... nice

Yaris July 20, 2023 1:10 am
also do the world a favor and kill yourself nasty fujo una

secretive plotter February 18, 2024 6:36 am
also do the world a favor and kill yourself nasty fujo una

geez someones mad

⭐⭐ märtina ⭐⭐ May 15, 2021 3:40 pm

Is it OK to love men with a high intellectual intelligence but literally a evil (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Jiwon's precious fountain May 21, 2021 8:56 am

Don't worry bestie , I'm in love with him too

trashcan June 13, 2021 5:39 am

no i do too lol