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People like Kayashimashi no Yuuga na Seikatsu (Yaoi) also like (39)


Dudu chan*-* June 8, 2024 8:14 pm

So.... Using someone elses feelings to play with them, having toxic relationship, hitting, LITERALLY cheating(flirting in an excluded area about f-ing and saying that your current partner is not as good as the previous one is CRAZY and definitely counts as cheating with some sparckly laughter abt his lover) also the sus actions on both guys in England like what goes through your mind to say to someone that their lover is definitely cheating right now, only to have your way with him, like... what?

The whole relationship is crazy and none of the main characters know their own wortch and are just simply blind about relationships and apparently jokes too

Watcher January 20, 2024 1:18 pm

i kinda of hoped to see koizumi's story..ლ(´ڡ`ლ)but no luck

Veane April 21, 2021 10:31 am

Ok so i know the story is not perfect and there are issues here and there but i love it, idk they just love each other so much and they’re both so different in the way they express themselves but they still make it work and are happily together, moreover, the top wasnt arrogant but very insecure about different subjects (marriage, lineage, heritage,pretty boys) and its normal seeing how simple he is compared to the extravagant uke. Because in their relationship, the uke has the freedom to do what he wants bcs he’s all alone and theres no one above him dictating his way of life, however the gardener is just a normal employee abiding by societal rules and with a family he has to worry about.

And that explains why he’s so perplexed when uke follows to his family home, because thats an invasion of privacy in real life, and who would do that? Its scary, stalk-ish and invasive. But uke lives by his own rules in his bubble thats why he just does as he wishes, and i realized that even us as reader came to pamper him. But that was probably scary for the top who’s not even out to his family, and in that moment he couldnt let the uke do as he wishes as usual because he was in his territory, his reality and not their closed off manor where nothing mattered. So in that moment they weren’t in their little bubble anymore but in the real world where ppl would judge them, hence the slap in a fit of anger. Which was not okay. But he apologized and they talked it out in the end, because gardener-san, just like the readers and the staff, is too enamored with the uke and spoils him too much, but its cute so its okay haha

Also, Ppl are talking abt the shingo scene where he asks abt who’s better at sex between the two and from my perspective the gardener was trying his best to end the conversation politely i feel like the “no way” was taken out of context and is prbbly a mistranslation, but looking at the mood of the conversation, gardener was trying his best to not go into that territory and it looked like he was uncomfortable with that subject
Also it shows how different is the england couple from the japanese one, they’re more open, more western, they’re extroverts, they’re comfortable with sex and the sex talk, they just have a very different dynamic in general and i feel like it should be taken into account, they honestly look like those couple that would have a threesome with some stranger idk, they also have a b&b where ppl would come and go, so they’re very much out there compared to the other two that are much more reserved in their relationship, and that’s probably why uke was so insecure bcs this is a way of life his lover used to have and he’s afraid that now that they’re there he would miss it and would want to revert back

The thing with this story is that we dont know what the uke thinks most of the time, and we have to wonder alongside the gardener, but then we have to think extra hard an its nice, because we immerse ourselves in the story and we kind of live their adventures with them

SayNoToDogsWithNoBalls January 26, 2021 8:37 am
Is this a manga? And if so, does anyone know the name?

NZIGHT May 26, 2021 10:51 am

It's work of this author but I guess this manga is available in English -

Anna December 22, 2020 10:26 am


Daisy December 16, 2020 7:18 pm

I don't know how to feel about it... Story was bland... Though they were saying "l love you" all the time it felt so lukewarm there was no emotion watsoever, the only emotion it could draw in meis anger especially during whole England part there was no story it was almost like travel blog where writer is just throwing names of bunch of palaces in England without connecting it to the story and in the later half of it gardener behaved like such a douche let's neglect it for the time assuming it's his character bt then writer didn't even wrapup the whole arc properly it's like anything is happening without any logic and somehow kayashimi accepted the whole thing without uttering a single word... Getting mad, crying, getting kissed by someone against his will and then sorting all these emotions by himself just by sleeping I mean what the hell.....what kind of plot development is this... Both the characters were just so weak....

henychuu July 6, 2020 2:32 pm

The story from hatano's perspective make me wanna cry. I can tell how he love Sumito. Like he love as his son

Sanaa October 5, 2020 8:12 pm

thank you, I was shocked to see how many people don't like him

Silver_Mist May 22, 2020 11:11 am

I didn't realized that gardener-san name never mention in the story until the end when the author mentioned it. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Gabriel April 19, 2020 8:14 pm

The top character was a totall shit he doesnt love the bottom one or give damn abot him first he told his ex that he is btter than him .2nd he slap his lover face when that poor boy follow him.and the bottom one has no self respect or pride after he hread what he said but still he follw him.

Dan May 27, 2020 1:42 am


Jesss June 23, 2020 3:35 am

that was so messed up. i always hoped it was an error in translation.

Pumpkin July 31, 2023 12:08 pm

I thought I was the only one who thought this.. he should’ve ended it right there…

Shirane December 20, 2019 9:21 pm

Gaaaawd, that gardener (was his name even ever mentioned??) was such a huge turn off!!
If I wanted to point out every single reason why, I would still be writing tomorrow, but the most annoying things were already thoroughly described below in a lot of other comments. And fricking YES, you're right about them! YOU DON'T SLAP YOUR LOVER JUST BECAUSE HE SHOWS UP AT AN INCONVENIENT TIME! Much less your EMPLOYER, like what?!?!
I usually like guys who play it cool and stall a bit but that seme is just a weak coward who can't even stand by his lover. Much more so since he really has that kind of conversation with an ex sex friend, doesn't realise his lovers feelings and then gets insecure and literally thinks of chickening out as soon as Sumito does one single step on his own. Ugggh, I'm so pissed! Sorry for the rant, I will move on now (°~°'') Just had to get it off my chest after having to hold out for three long volumes, wheeew...

Doctor Morocco November 8, 2020 12:52 pm

This is so true and it’s fun knowing your opinion considering you think so strongly on it and you’re right the seme was a chicken bastard

Jesss November 10, 2019 12:50 pm

that trip to england where the gardener takes Sumito to visit his ex lover. He even tells his ex that he is better at sex than Sumito. That really destroyed the entire story. People in the comments are trying to excuse it, but theres no excuse for that. I dont care how open someone is, you dont tell someone else they're better in bed than your partner.

The gardener in the end gets jealous of another man and confronts Sumito. But Sumito never confronts him for that scene in england. If it wasnt for that scene, this manga would be in my top favorites

Kawaiineko❤namjoon March 10, 2020 4:42 am

Was just about to comment this that one scene in England I wanted to be cleared up but wasnt. Like how you gonna say yeah your better at sex...spoilt the manga for me