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Ai No Tame Ni

Kawahara Kazune 2002 released.
Comedy / Drama / One Shot / Romance / School Life / Shoujo
一切為了愛; 愛のために; Chocolate Contest; Everything for the Sake of Love; For the Sake of Love; If Someone Like Me Could Do That; If Someone Like Me Will Do
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Chocolate Contest
Vol.1 Ch.2 : Story 2
Vol.1 Ch.1 : Story 1
256 voted


A tankobon of some of Kawahara-sensei's short stories.
Includes the stories:
For the Sake of Love,
If Someone Like Me Would Do,
and Chocolate Contest.
Title Story:
Akira is a kind girl who loves to be with her friends. Because of her high success ra

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