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Antique Gift Shop

LEE Eun 0 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo / Supernatural
분녀네 선물가게,Gift Shop,The Antique Gift Shop,
Vol.10 Ch.15b-16
Vol.9 Ch.14b-15a
Vol.8 Ch.13b-14a
11 voted


Did you know that an antique possesses a soul of its own? The Antique Gift Shop specializes in such items that charm and captivate the buyers that they are destined to belong to. Guided by a mysterious and charismatic shopkeeper, the enchanted relics lead their new owners on a journey into the alternate cosmic universe to their true destinies. Eerily bittersweet and dolefully melancholy, the Antique Gift Shop opens up a portal to a world where torn lovers unite, broken friendships are mended, and regrets are resolved. Do you believe?

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Vol.10 Ch.15b-16

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.9 Ch.14b-15a

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.8 Ch.13b-14a

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.7 Ch.12-13a

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.6 Ch.09-11

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.5 Ch.07b-08

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.4 Ch.06-07a

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.3 Ch.04b-05

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.03b-04a

Nov 27, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01-03a

Nov 27, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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