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Ar - Forgotten Summer

Konata Hyuura 2006 released.
Romance / Slice Of Life / Supernatural
Ar ~ Forgotten Summer; AR~忘れられた夏~; AR~忘记夏天
Vol.1 Ch.3
Vol.1 Ch.2
Vol.1 Ch.1
4 voted


The memory in the window, the swaying greenery
-- That last summer, already lost --
A single tear moves the heart, small lips and soft whispers
-- This world is beautiful --
Sweet aroma, soft warmth, guarding you gently as you sleep with your innocent

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.1 Ch.3

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.2

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jan 14, 2011


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