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Blue Bird (lee So Young)

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Lee So Young 2009 released.
Fantasy / Mystery / Romance / Shoujo
블루버드; 파랑새훔치기; Stealing Blue Bird
Ch.8.1 : Chapter 8.1
Ch.8.2 : Chapter 8.2
26 voted


When the blue bird sings, it brings its owner happiness. However, when the blue bird dies, it can only be resurrected when the owner sacrifices something that they cherish... The cycle repeats until there is nothing left to offer as sacrifice, leaving the owners with nothing to cherish and no blue bird to sing to them. Yuria is the owner of a blue bird...a blue bird someone wants to steal away from her. Will Yuria be able to protect her blue bird and find her own happiness?

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Other manga by the same author(s)



Feb 7, 2022

Ch.8.2 : Chapter 8.2

Oct 29, 2021

Ch.8.1 : Chapter 8.1

Oct 30, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.7

Oct 4, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.6.2

Oct 3, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.6.1

Oct 2, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.5

Oct 2, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.4

Jun 2, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.3.2

May 19, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.3.1

Oct 8, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.3

Oct 8, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.2

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jan 14, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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