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Cherry (ichijou Lemon) (Yaoi)

Ichijou Lemon 2008 released.
Vol.1 Ch.5 : : Daddy (End)
Vol.1 Ch.4.5 : : Daryl ~ Extra Story
Vol.1 Ch.4 : : Daryl
262 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Putting aside his feelings, when Sora found out that his childhood friend Rui got divorced, he decided to pay him a visit. After meeting for the first time in six months, Rui's overbearing way had not changed. Will he unreasonably decide to live together like they used to, ignorant of Sora's feelings!?
Also in this compilation: 19th Century England: On the stage, an aristocrat and a steward in a master and servant love relationship "Daryl".

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