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Cut The Angel With A Scythe

Mihara Mitsukazu 2002 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / One Shot
Vol.1 Ch.1
45 voted


Angela visits a mysterious magician, but what awaits her...?

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Vol.1 Ch.1

Jan 14, 2011


People are sharing things

What does a crush feel like?
yeah idk ab all that butterflies and blushing, but! I do know that a crush isnt really lik...
What does a crush feel like?
I haven’t had a crush in a while, but the ones I’ve had were intense and I hated that ...
What does a crush feel like?
Crushes are interesting, honestly, having a crush FUCKING SUCKSS like its so miserable you...
What does a crush feel like?
almost in my mid 20s but haven't had a single irl crush. i think i might be in the aro spe...
What does a crush feel like?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a real crush it’s just that I’ve been deluding myself ...

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it was horrible

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He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

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