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Daidai Boshi

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Gunjou 2000 released.
橙星; ; Daidaiboshi
Vol.1 Ch.9 : To Go Fix It
Ch.8 : To know that Feeling
11 voted


Matsuba is a robot. The latest model in fact. He is quite cognizant that he is quite hard. He has also been lying in slumber for a long, long, long time. Matsuba awakens to the deep green eyes of Daidai, eyes just like that of his mother. Thus begins his adventure with Daidai, a sensitive, self-conscious, rather inarticulate, but certainly somehow magical girl, her three rabbit-plant companion creatures, and a courier as they traverse a phantasmic country of kings, curses, and clones haunted by the legacy of four capricious witches.

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