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Developers - Before The One Year War

Yamazaki Housui 2003 released.
Comedy / Mecha / Sci-fi
デベロッパーズ―機動戦士ガンダム; Before One Year War; Developers 機動戦士ガンダム-Before One Year War-; Developers - Mobile Suit Gundam Before One Year War; Mobile Suit Gundam Developers; Mobile Suit Gundam Developers: Before the
Vol.1 Ch.11 : Birth! MS-05 Zaku
Vol.1 Ch.10 : Scheme! Military Intervention
Vol.1 Ch.9 : Climax! Competition
1 voted


From ANN:
Years before the One Year War, Zionic Co. was developing a new type of piloted robots (later became Mobile Suits) using thermonuclear reactor shielded with Minovsky particles as the power source. For safety and secrecy reasons, the project was

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