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Fujoshi Kanojo

Pentabu 0 released.
Comedy / Josei / Romance / Shoujo
Akihabara Shojo, My Girlfriend is a Fujoshi, My Girlfriend is a Rotten Girl, My Girlfriend is a Yaoi fangirl, My Girlfriend's A Geek
Vol.5 Ch.21 : Vol 05
Vol.5 Ch.20 : Vol 05
Vol.5 Ch.19.5 : Vol 05
139 voted


Plot: A (popular?) blog-turned-novel-turned-manga. Fujoshi Kanojo is the story of your average college student, Mutou Taiga, who falls in love at first sight with Ameya Yuiko, a senior at his part-time job. He bravely confesses to her and succeeds in starting a relationship. However, Yuiko tells him that she's a "fujoshi." Clueless to what it meant, Taiga assures her that he's okay with that, not knowing it would drag him into a romance of roller-coaster twists and turns.

If you don't know what "fujoshi" means, then you must not have watched Lucky Star. Or Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Written as "rotten woman" in kanji, it's slang that refers to a girl who is very enthusiastic about comics featuring male homoeroticism (definition thanks to WWWJDIC). In simpler words, female yaoi fans.

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Feels like you’ve become a creep But if they fancy you too then you’re not Get it?
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As someone who had 2 exes, I have no idea but I guess it feels like it makes you do stupid...
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