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Gate 7

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Clamp 2000 released.
Adventure / Fantasy / Romance / Shounen / Supernatural
ゲート セブン; Gate7;
Ch.22 : Kyoto Gourmet Food Special
Ch.21 : An Unknown Assault
101 voted


An innocent sightseeing trip to Kyoto opens up a magical realm to shy high schooler Chikahito Takamoto. Visiting a legendary shrine, Chikahito finds himself in the mystical world of Hana and her comrades—and his immunity to their powers leads them to believe that he’s no ordinary awkward teenager! Protecting our world from violent elemental beasts, Hana and her team welcome the confused Chikahito—who isn’t quite sure that he wants to be caught in the middle of their war! One thing’s certain, though: since he’s smitten with aloof, childlike warrior Hana, he’s along for the ride, for better or worse!

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Other manga by the same author(s)



Sep 2, 2013

Ch.22 : Kyoto Gourmet Food Special

Mar 21, 2013

Ch.21 : An Unknown Assault

Feb 21, 2013

Ch.20 : Closing In

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.19 : The Beginning of Discord

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.18 : Circulating and Learning

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.17 : Notice of Betrayal

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.16 : Iemitsu’s Curse

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.15 : The Captured Princess

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.14 : Invisible Threat

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.13 : Hana’s Promise

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.12 : Kurikara

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.11 : Masamune and Gracia

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.10 : Transfer Students

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.9 : Chikahito and Iemitsu

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.8 : Yukimura's Power

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.7 : Sanada Ten Braves

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.6 : Tachibana and Sakura and ...

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.5 : The Tokugawa Blood Contract

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.4 : Nobunaga's Oni

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.3 : Hidetsugu and Oni

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.2 : Hana and Urashichiken

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.1 : Chikahito and Hana

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.0 : [Oneshot]

Jan 14, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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