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Gekka Mugentan

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Osakabe Mashin 0 released.
Romance / Shoujo / Smut / Supernatural
月下夢幻譚 - 神無シ夜ノヲトギ; 月下夢幻譚 : 神無夜話
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01
Vol.1 Ch.01-02
216 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Plot: Ever since the school entrance ceremony, Sayako, a high school student, has been wary of her classmate Rou who is in the same committee. However, Rou harbors the secret of his true identity. Sayako's body began to change, and she realizes that her peaceful days are over. As the gears quietly turn, the frightening door of fate opens!

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Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01

Jul 1, 2013

Vol.1 Ch.01-02

Jan 27, 2011


People are sharing things

What does a crush feel like?
I’m too alpha to know what having a crush feels like
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
I've never said 'Mangago' out loud. Again... Catch me dead before you catch me slacking.
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
Mon-gah-go lol idk why
What does a crush feel like?
Basically, you will have hell lot of delusion of you and them being together. You are draw...
What does a crush feel like?
.........warm apple pie

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did got an online lover

it was horrible

7 hours
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

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i am sexist towards men

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