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Gunjou no Subete

FURUYA Nagisa 0 released.
School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life
Vol.1 : [End]
Vol.1 Ch.5
Vol.1 Ch.4
132 voted


'Once noticed, it was...'From the 1st year of middle school to the 2nd year of high school, Makihara Kai and Mizushiro Ren have been in the same class. But in the last year of their high school lives they are placed into different classes. A small ripple is born in the unchanging days that pass by... that makes the feelings they were unaware of start to bloom. Wanting to tell him, but unable to say it. The answer deep, deep within their hearts is...The path of youth and high school boys unable to voice their love.

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Vol.1 : [End]

Dec 30, 2016

Vol.1 Ch.5

Nov 19, 2016

Vol.1 Ch.4

Oct 29, 2016

Vol.1 Ch.3

Sep 20, 2016


Aug 12, 2016


Jul 12, 2016


People are sharing things

What does a crush feel like?
Sm answers and all want to know as well LMAO i found it funny lol anyways crush is basica...
What does a crush feel like?
It’s feels like this
What does a crush feel like?
How does a crush feel like? . . . . . Something which I'll never experience (laughs in ...
What does a crush feel like?
a lot of u guys are describing limerence rather than a crush?
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
Ma nga go bc I'm southeast Asian and mang-ga means mango in my language

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it was horrible

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He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

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