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Haikyo Circle

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Yuuki Azusa 2010 released.
Drama / Gender Bender / Josei / Mystery / Romance
Haikyo Club
Vol.1 Ch.2
Vol.1 Ch.3
Vol.1 Ch.01
64 voted


“My name is Midou Maria. But not long ago, my name was Ichinose Rei. That Ichinose Rei had a special existence. The workforce for Ichinose Group comprise nearly half of the corporate town, Segawa, and Rei was that Ichinose family’s heir."

But that brilliant future was abruptly snatched away. Given a new name, a new gender and three hundred million, Rei--now Maria--was banished from Ichinose. With death as her resolution, Maria roamed around the streets, only to end up in some ruins. But in those ruins, there was a community: the secret base for juveniles!

This is the story of Maria's mutiny!

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Vol.1 Ch.3

Mar 26, 2018

Vol.1 Ch.2

Mar 26, 2018

Vol.1 Ch.01

Mar 30, 2012


People are sharing things

What does a crush feel like?
Sm answers and all want to know as well LMAO i found it funny lol anyways crush is basica...
What does a crush feel like?
It’s feels like this
What does a crush feel like?
How does a crush feel like? . . . . . Something which I'll never experience (laughs in ...
What does a crush feel like?
a lot of u guys are describing limerence rather than a crush?
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
Ma nga go bc I'm southeast Asian and mang-ga means mango in my language

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did got an online lover

it was horrible

8 hours
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

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i am sexist towards men

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