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Hell Baby

HINO Hideshi 1995 released.
Gaki Jigoku,
hell baby (complete)
158 voted


This graphic novel by one of Japan's most accomplished artists tells the unsettling saga of twin sisters born on a dark and stormy night in Tokyo: one normal, and one a demon baby with a taste for blood--a Hell Baby. Tossed into a garbage dump in a plastic bag, Hell Baby dies, but is brought back to life by an unworldly bolt of lightning. Hell Baby develops hard-earned hunting techniques to survive life among the wild animals who roam the dump. After struggling along for seven years, she seeks revenge for her fate and returns to the city, where she applies her hunting skills for survival--this time against the good citizens of Tokyo.
Replete with Hino's trademark black humor and unflinching imagery, HELL BABY is a classic horror tour de force.

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