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Honya-san de Go! (Yaoi)

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TSUNODA Ryoku 2003 released.
Comedy / Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Honya san de Go,Honya san de GO!,Honyasan de Go!,
Vol.2 Ch.05 : Sequel:Haru ni Arashi ch.5
Vol.2 Ch.03-04 : Sequel:Haru ni Arashi ch.3-4
Vol.2 Ch.01-02 : Sequel:Haru ni Arashi ch.1-2
377 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

“Satou-san, I’m your lowly servant!!”
“You freak…”
PPC Publications salesman, Takahashi Kazuya, is in love with his aloof, beautiful client, Satou Sho, manager of a large bookstore. How does Takahashi approach Satou for business and love? Can a humble salesman capture the princely heart of a client?
Volume 2 is named Haru ni Arashi

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