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Itoko Doushi

Ima Ichiko 2002 released.
Drama / Fantasy / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life
When Love Comes Abruptly, When Love Comes Too Abruptly
Vol.1 Ch.6.5
Vol.1 Ch.3.5 : Vol 01
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01
215 voted


"The reissue of the author's old works from mainly her djs (1991-1995). The short series of the cool romance between two cousins who love each other with a little guilt feeling. And three short stories (Stylish comedy like current author's taste. Hero finds his uncle after a long separation but the guy is not same man as his uncle.../ The forbidden relationship between hero and his young uncle-in-law seems to change after the birth of the baby of hero's sister.../ Re-issue of short story from "My beautiful green Palace". The researcher visits again the village of Merman legend to meet the mysterious guy / Kakioroshi - additional newly written sequel of the series. Cousins enjoy barbecue with their colleagues of their office)."

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