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Kanata Kara

HIKAWA Kyouko 1991 released.
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo / Supernatural
Из другого мира; 來自遠方; 彼方から; 異境奇緣; Dunia Mimpi; From Far Away; From the Other Side; Vùng Đất Xa Xăm
Vol14 Ch.14
Vol13 Ch.13
Vol12 Ch.12
216 voted


Walking home from school one day, Noriko is innocently caught up in a terrorist bombing. Rather than being blown to bits, she finds herself transported to another world; a world in which darkness seems on the rise, as its powers desperately search for a being known as the Awakening whom it is said will awaken the Sky Demon. She finds this new world to be dangerous and overwhelming, and Noriko has little choice but to throw her lot in with the mysteriously powerful man she encounters upon her arrival. The enigma of this world and her role in it will gradually unfold, but first things first: Noriko must learn their language!

In 2004, this manga won the 35th annual Seiun Award for best science fiction comic.

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol14 Ch.14

Jan 24, 2011

Vol13 Ch.13

Jan 24, 2011

Vol12 Ch.12

Jan 24, 2011

Vol11 Ch.11

Jan 24, 2011

Vol10 Ch.10

Jan 24, 2011

Vol9 Ch.9

Jan 24, 2011

Vol8 Ch.8

Jan 24, 2011

Vol7 Ch.7

Jan 24, 2011

Vol6 Ch.6

Jan 24, 2011

Vol5 Ch.5

Jan 24, 2011

Vol4 Ch.4

Jan 24, 2011

Vol3 Ch.3

Jan 24, 2011

Vol2 Ch.2

Jan 24, 2011

Vol1 Ch.1

Jan 24, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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