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Kill No More

Ongoing    RSS
Yu Wo , A-wei 2000 released.
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Historical / Martial Arts / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural
Bu Sha;
Vol.2 Ch.8.5
Vol.2 Ch.8
Vol.2 Ch.7
113 voted


An assassin who swore never to kill again - Liola, was being chased by an assassination organization when he accidentally dropped into a parallel universe. In this chaotic, unorganized world, Liola continues to honor his promise. He tries his best to live the life of an ordinary person, but after a series of events occured... He suddenly realized that actually, being an ordinary person is harder than being an assassin!

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.2 Ch.8.5

Jun 21, 2014

Vol.2 Ch.8

Jun 7, 2014

Vol.2 Ch.7

May 17, 2014

Vol.2 Ch.6 : Strange Ruins

Apr 26, 2014

Vol.2 Ch.5

Apr 4, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.4.5

Mar 31, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.4 : Liola is a Dragon Knight?

Mar 15, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.3 : A Pink Doll

Mar 1, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.2

Feb 23, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.1 : A Fateful Meeting

Feb 14, 2014
click to show all of the chapters


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Altruism isn’t real. And if it is it’s extremely rare. All the ‘selfless’ work tha...
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People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

currently in one, its been 5-6 months, I dont think honeymoon phases exist bc this girl makes me feel like this all the time

6 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Safe to say we are exes now lol.

9 hours
want to do fix sleep schedule

woke up incredibly early today just so i could reset it. also, if y'all still can't sleep, rain noise or ocean wave sounds slumber my ass sq

9 hours

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