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Kodoku Experiment

Hoshino Yukinobu 0 released.
Action / Seinen
Vol.3 Ch.12-17
Vol.2 Ch.09-11
Vol.2 Ch.06-08
5 voted


Plot: Deronga Five Alpha is a dying unstable planet which according to studies, used to be a very lush planet with all kinds of different species. The current state of the planet is a horrifying place where vicious carnivorous creatures fight in the "survival of the fittest."

Captain Bagures, the leader of the research spacecraft, is a cold and cruel woman who, despite the warnings, unnecessarily sends a military team down to the planet for research. The end result was a catastrophe with the team being slaughtered by the creatures on the planet. The leader of the team, Cannon, vows vengeance on Bagures before seemingly dying.

Jump to 20 years later, a spaceship comes near Deronga Five Alpha to see the end of the planet. As the planet explodes, a foreign object attaches itself onto the spaceship. As nothing can survive a planetary explosion, the crew investigates the object only to find out it is one of the creatures from the planet Deronga. As the story progresses, the creature goes into a rage after seeing Bagures, now an extremely important person in the military, on the monitor screen. Could this creature be Cannon and how do you stop something that can withstand a planetary explosion?

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.3 Ch.12-17

Apr 20, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.09-11

Apr 20, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.06-08

Apr 20, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01-05

Apr 20, 2011


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